Saturday, September 28, 2024 - 8:54 pm
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New and serious virus detected in bats in Japan: it can cause an epidemic

A new study conducted in the Yamaguchi region of Japan found different levels of virus DNA and RNA in bats.

About this Oku.Az Reports with reference to “Haber Global”.

According to the report, a study of more than 130 bats found that more than 60 percent of the bats were infected with at least one virus, including zoonotic viruses (those that can be transmitted from animals to humans).

The study found that some viruses, especially adenoviruses and astroviruses, evolved genetically rapidly.

In addition, 10 new types of herpes viruses, which had not been identified until now, were discovered in Japan.

Some of the viruses found in the study were genetically similar to viruses from China and Korea, leading to the idea that bats from Japan may have come into contact with other bats in the region.

Additionally, the study found that 36 percent of bats were infected with more than one virus, increasing the potential for Japanese bats to cause zoonotic epidemics.

Experts say more research is needed to better understand the life cycles and pathological effects of these viruses.

In Japan and its surrounding areas, it is recommended to increase regular examinations and checks to prevent diseases that can be transmitted from bats to humans.

Viruses detected at high rates in bats in Japan raise concerns about future zoonotic outbreaks.

This study reiterates the importance of virus control research to prevent zoonotic diseases and reduce public health risks.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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