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HomeEntertainment NewsMichel Barnier seeks to unite his government before his general policy declaration

Michel Barnier seeks to unite his government before his general policy declaration

Not one is missing. On Friday, September 27, it was three in the afternoon when Michel Barnier’s government crowded into the Matignon council room; For the occasion, a large oval table was set up that gave the appearance of a council of ministers where only the head of state would be missing. We hurry.

Bruno Retailleau, all-powerful Minister of the Interior, representative of the extreme right, takes his seat. Also present is the Keeper of the Seals, Didier Migaud, former member of the Socialist Party. Summoned at the last minute, a few hours before the official announcement of their respective appointments to the positions of ministers responsible for the disabled and veterans, Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq (Horizons) and Jean-Louis Thiériot (Les Républicains) also took their seats.

So here are forty-one ministers in total, who say they are left, right or center, gathered under one roof. Soon everyone will pose on the Matignon stairs for a unique family photo. “We are political opponents (…). “Our political families are not on the same side, but we are condemned to govern together.”had summarized the minister (Renaissance) of ecological transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, on France 5, four days earlier.

Read also | Live: LFI and RN deputies are “elected representatives of the Republic and that’s it,” says Michel Barnier

The seminar, scheduled a few days before the Prime Minister’s general policy statement, scheduled for Tuesday 1Ahem October was supposed to round things off and cool tempers after a week in which dissensions between both sides came to light. To avoid false notes, the head of Government asked everyone to remain silent. “More national media”unless Matignon expressly agrees, requested Jérôme Fournel, Michel Barnier’s chief of staff, in a message sent on September 25 to the various portfolio holders.

Michel Barnier on a crest

The 73-year-old prime minister has made silence one of his strengths. Since his appointment on September 5, he listens but does not speak, or very little. The Gaullist keeps his political line vague for fear of offending some and displeasing others.

In an interview with Saône-et-Loire Diary, Posted on September 27, Michel Barnier avoids the French, worried about tax increases to make up for the deficit: “On the fiscal issue, I said that I would protect those who are on the ground, those who work, those who produce from any tax increase. » But he does not forget those who advocate for greater tax justice. “We will appeal, on an exceptional and temporary basis, to those who can contribute to this effort.” said.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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