Saturday, September 28, 2024 - 3:02 pm
HomeLatest NewsI read 16,000 Alvise chat messages and came to this conclusion

I read 16,000 Alvise chat messages and came to this conclusion

Since this newspaper published the other day the audios of Alvise with the CEO of CryptoSpain showing how the MEP proposed to legislate in favor of the bitcoin sector in exchange for cash funding for his campaign for the European elections , I read the Telegram group in which its supporters comment, to say the least, on the news -at least- and the news that Toni Cantó’s former advisor publishes. The owner is fake: I have read well over 16,000 messages.

There is a ghost who has been haunting television sketches, WhatsApp groups, New Year’s Eve dinners or sterile conversations in front of the office coffee machine for years. A ghost that manifests itself every time the word “politics” appears in a conversation that has nothing to do with politics, that is accompanied by commonplaces, by premises without jokes, by debates in which everyone is d ‘agreement. This ghost has neither name nor form, but its shadow casts that of the ordinary man, the normal autodidact, who gets up early, pays his taxes reluctantly and sniffles while watching the news; that he does not understand the most fundamental mechanisms of the State, with the exception of those relating to the security forces and organizations, for which he professes limitless admiration; who criticizes the public service more out of desire than out of conviction, dividing it into useless idiots or into sorts of Men in Black whose only objective is to ensure that it parasitizes your payroll to finance seafood platters; In short, they project the form of the free-thinking citizen who practices conscious cynicism and is determined to put an end to the phrase coined by Carol Hanisch that the personal is political.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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