Monday, September 30, 2024 - 4:59 am
HomeLatest NewsAlvise’s “small sacrifices” of morality

Alvise’s “small sacrifices” of morality

The title of this article deliberately contains syntactic ambiguity. This is deliberate because my interest is to talk to you today about two things. Firstly, which, pending the evolution of the investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court and the possible investigation into the matter, will most likely be a clear case of political corruption and illegal financing of parties committed by Alvise Pérez . Facts, partially recognized, and which he tried to “justify” in a video on the networks by asking himself: “Which of you has not made concessions, small moral sacrifices, to get to this point? Secondly, I would also like to comment on some things regarding Alvise’s “morality” or, more specifically, political morality. Let’s go.

The case is known and discovered it. Alvise Pérez, as he himself admitted, won 100,000 euros in species for alleged “private services” of businessman Álvaro Romillo, nicknamed “Cryptospain”, founder of the Madeira Invest Club, without invoice and without declaring them to the Treasury. The businessman himself admitted this to the prosecution, providing audio recordings of conversations and private messages exchanged with Alvise. Apparently, this Mr. “Cryptospain” would have served as an intermediary between private donors “with a lot of money” and Alvise’s party. When Alvise Pérez was investigated on this matter, he decided to submit an additional declaration to the Treasury to “regularize” his tax situation. And according to him, that’s where the story ends.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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