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HomeLatest NewsHalf of Spain on alert after Jorge Rey's latest weekend warning

Half of Spain on alert after Jorge Rey’s latest weekend warning

Spain on alert after latest warning by Jorge Rey on the weekend to take into account. It’s time to get a series of elements that will end up being those that mark a before and after. This weekend will have arrived where we can really start thinking about what lies ahead and how much we can accomplish in the days ahead of us.

The weekend is the time when we start to think about everything we can do in the future, in a series of elements that are essential and that perhaps we had not taken into account until now . Now will be the time to start thinking about what lies ahead, all that awaits us, and what is to come. One of our country’s most followed meteorologists, Jorge Rey, has no doubts about what he doesn’t expect.

This is Jorge Rey’s opinion for the weekend

This weekend, It’ll be time to start thinking about everything that’s going to happen and what will happen. A change of cycle which could end up being one which marks a before and an after. In these days when perhaps we should start preparing for the worst, it is time to visualize this new situation that could end up generating more than one problem.

Especially for those who want to get outside this weekend, where anything is possible. The time will come to visualize a cycle that could end up being the one that accompanies us these days. Autumn has started very strongly and that means we will have to prepare for the worst.

We are living in a time of great change and a situation that we may not have taken into account until now. It’s time to see what the change ahead of us has in store and how we can cope with it. That time will have arrived when we will have to face a significant cycle change.

This weekend, we are faced with these days of instability which could be those which will mark a before and an after. We look at what is coming and we do it at high speed with a series of elements that will accompany us in these days that await us.

Autumn has arrived in force and hits us with full force, it’s time to look a little further and expect the unexpected. In these last days of September, we await important news which will mark a before and an after. It is time to consolidate certain changes that will make a difference today.

Half of Spain will be affected by this situation

The situation we are going through could turn out to be much worse than expected. It is time to see what this change in time that we are facing has in store for us and against which it is impossible to fight. The time has come for changes and major projects for the days that await us.

Jorge Rey tells us that we have to close our jacketsince the cold will appear, you must be attentive to this weather forecast. In this sense, this teenager coincides directly with AEMET, who knows perfectly well what awaits us.

Continuing this forecast: “In the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, a tendency towards a more anticyclonic situation is expected, with a predominance of lightly cloudy skies or high clouds and no precipitation. However, the day will start with cloudy skies in the Cantabrian area, the upper Ebro and the Pyrenees, with light precipitation in general, without excluding that it will be locally persistent in the eastern end of Gipuzkoa and on the Cantabrian side of Navarra and tending to rain will stop and the weather will be slightly cloudy from west to east. Likewise, cloudy periods are expected, with scattered cloudiness, in the Mediterranean area, with the possibility of showers in eastern Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. In the Canary Islands, cloudy periods are expected in the north, with light precipitation likely on the islands with the greatest relief. Morning mists in the mountains of the far north of the Peninsula cannot be ruled out. Snow level: with low probability of accumulating 1-2 cm, levels of 1700/2000 m in the Pyrenees.

Continuing with the same forecast: “Maximum temperatures continue to drop in the eastern half of the peninsula and in the Balearic Islands, locally notable in areas of the Mediterranean coast while they begin to increase in the west. Minimums are generally decreasing. In the Canary Islands, no major changes are expected. Light frosts are expected in the Pyrenees and, separately, in the peaks of the Western Cantabrian Sierra, the Northern Iberian Sierra and the Central system.

Winds from the north and east will predominate, except from the northwest in the northeast of the peninsula, with probable intervals of strong and/or very strong gusts in the lower Ebro and northerly winds in the Empurdán , without excluding them on the coasts of Almería. and Pitiusas. In the Alboran Strait and the Cantabrian Sea, it will tend to roll from the western component to the eastern component. The trade winds will intensify in the Canary Islands.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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