Saturday, September 28, 2024 - 6:55 pm
HomeExplosion heard in central Israel: media

Explosion heard in central Israel: media

In central Israel early in the morning, around 08:46, an explosion was heard that, according to local media, occurred without prior alarm. Israeli media reported this.

The causes and circumstances of the incident are still unknown and information is being clarified.

According to the Alexey Zheleznov Telegram channel, a surface-to-surface missile fired from Lebanon fell in an open area.

It should be noted that there were no reports of casualties or destruction.

When you hear an explosion, it is important to act quickly and safely:

1. Find shelter: Seek shelter immediately in the nearest safe place. This could be a bomb shelter, a basement or any room protected from outside influences. Avoid windows and doors.

2. Lie down on the floor: If an explosion occurs nearby, immediately lie face down on the ground, covering your head with your hands. This will help minimize the risk of injuries from shrapnel and shock waves.

3. Assess the situation: After the explosion, do not rush to leave the shelter. Assess the situation: new explosions or shelling may occur.

4. Stay put: If possible, wait for official messages or instructions from security services. Do not move in unknown places or near explosions unless absolutely necessary.

5. Report an incident: As soon as it is safe to do so, contact emergency services and report the explosion and its location.

6. Provide assistance to victims: If you are safe and able to help, provide first aid to the injured, but do so only when your own life is not in danger.

7. Stay calm: Panic can make the situation worse. Try to keep a clear mind and follow the instructions of security services.

Earlier, Kursor wrote that Hezbollah terrorists again fired on the north.

Hezbollah terrorists carried out rocket attacks against populated areas, during which they used their new rocket.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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