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HomeTop StoriesWhat Characteristics Define Immature People, According to a Psychiatrist

What Characteristics Define Immature People, According to a Psychiatrist

Maturity in people is not necessarily related to age, it is determined by attitudes and behaviors of each. To know the traits or characteristics that define an immature person, the psychiatrist Enrique Rojas posted a publication on his social networks in which he defines completely opposite people, the most mature, through five indicators.

The expert emphasizes that maturity is a mental state and that it is not “a place where we arrive and settle down, since life is a movement, a constant change”. He comments that mature people have the ability to face life’s problems without giving up by knowing how to put what is happening into perspective.

He psychiatrist created, in a very visual way, several images with five indicators in which he defines the traits of a mature personality.

Personality characteristics of a mature person

  • Be realistic and demanding with the possibilities. To achieve this, you need to have your feet on the ground without giving up the hopes and challenges that require great effort.
  • Have a sense of humor. Knowing how to laugh at yourself and your situation helps you see problems in perspective.
  • Have a good education between heart and head. A balanced personality is one that is neither too cold nor too hot.
  • Ability to overcome negative events. Have tolerance to overcome frustrations. Thinking that defeats are what makes us grow.
  • Be responsible for your own actions. In all areas, family, professional, emotional or friendly.

Characteristics of an immature person

Otherwise, immature people are hornyThese are the ones who have difficulty managing their emotions appropriately and maturely. They have impulsive behavior, a lack of empathy, difficulty taking responsibility and a tendency to avoid difficult situations. Consequently, these characteristics make it very difficult to effective communication, causing misunderstandings and repetitive conflictssomething that increases stress and frustration, weakening the emotional connection and trust in the relationship.

Some traits of emotional immaturity are:

  • Lack of responsibility in your actions and words.
  • Blame others for problems.
  • Difficulty expressing emotions.
  • Lack of empathy for the needs and feelings of others.
  • Lack of commitment in relationships.


Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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