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HomeBreaking NewsIsrael eliminates Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah with surgical strike in Beirut suburbs

Israel eliminates Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah with surgical strike in Beirut suburbs

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced that Hezbollah’s top leader, Hassan Nasrallahdied in the attack this Friday against “the headquarters” that the paramilitary organization had hidden under a residential building in the suburbs of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. After a night of successive attacks in the capital, the IDF published the following message on its social networks this Saturday morning: “Hasan Nasrallah will no longer be able to terrorize the world. »

The clergyman Hassan Nasrallah He had been at the head of the Lebanese Shiite group for three decades, a thorn in Israel’s side since its creation in 1982. But since October 8, the day the Israeli offensive in Gaza began in response to the terrorist attacks of Hamas – its formation has engaged in intense cross-attacks with the Israeli state.

Apparently, these operations – thousands of rockets launched against the Jewish north – were personally ordered by Nasrallah, the face of the organization. In fact, dressed in his office dresses and the black turban (garment which identifies him as a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad), Nasrallah appeared several times on television to address followers of the Shiite militia party that controls much of Lebanon. However, its location had remained hidden… until now.

The Israeli army attacked Hezbollah’s “headquarters” in the suburbs of Beirut, in the neighborhood known as Dayhe, which was located under residential buildings.

This is the fifth time that Jewish forces have bombed the Lebanese capital since hostilities escalated last week. However, it was higher power bombardment to this day.

According to several security sources, the senior leaders of the paramilitary organization were hiding in this location, including the target of the attack, the leader of Hezbollah, Hasan Nasrallah.

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahufrom his New York hotel, gave the green light to the attack moments before making his statement. speech at the United Nations General Assembly, according to an image published by his office in which he appears as the president, accompanied by his military secretary and his chief of staff, giving the green light to the attack.

Image shared by the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the president sits in a chair from New York, where he spoke to the General Assembly today, authorizing by telephone the bombing of Hezbollah’s “headquarters” .


During his speech, the president assured that his country “wants peace”, but that it will not stop its attacks as long as “Hezbollah opts for war.”

“Israel is fighting for its survival. We face savage enemies who want to destroy us and we must defend ourselves against these murderers,” he explained. Netanyahuon whom the international community continues to put pressure to seal a ceasefire. A cessation of hostilities which, after his speech, seems to have become even further away. Netanyahu then issued a warning to Hezbollah: “We are eliminating their replacements and those who replace them.”

The truth is that in recent days, after the explosion in Lebanon of thousands of pagers and walkie-talkiesIsrael killed some high commands in its ‘precision’ attacks on Beirut of the organization. Among them, Ibrahim Aqil, acting commander of the Radwan special forces unit.

After the attack, Netanyahu immediately returned to Israel, ending his visit to the United States.

After the attack, Israel Defense Forces spokesman, Daniel Hagaristressed that the bombing against Hezbollah’s “headquarters” was “precise” and that the Israeli army would attack Hezbollah’s “headquarters.” “strategic capabilities” of Shiite militias in southern Lebanon.

Iran: “A war crime with American bombs”

Tehran’s reaction was long overdue. Iran’s National Security Council announced an emergency meeting, declaring that the current scenario is a “game changer.”

Hours after the attack, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Naser Kananí said the attack was “a clear war crime” made with “bombs given by the American regime to the Zionist regime”, state agency IRNA reported. “Therefore, the US regime is undoubtedly complicit with the Zionist regime and must be held accountable,” the Iranian diplomat said.

Kananí also considered that the continued attacks against the people of Palestine and Lebanon show that the calls for a ceasefire by the United States and some Western countriesYes “This is clearly a deception aimed at buying time for the prosecution of crimes.”

Before the spokesperson’s statements, the Iranian embassy in Lebanon declared that this Friday’s attacks represent “a dangerous escalation that changes the rules of the game.” The Iranian legation added that Israel has committed another “bloody massacre” which targeted densely populated residential neighborhoods.

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) also condemned the attack through a statement in which he denounced “the escalation of Zionist terrorism against the brotherly Lebanese people due to their support for the Palestinian people and their position against the genocide in the Gaza Strip”, as Filistin stated, linked to the Palestinian terrorist group.

Likewise, he called for action “by all means”, including in “international forums”, to rreject “American bias in favor of this brutal aggression.” “We share your pain and your hope of victory over this Zionist enemy,” Hamas added.




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