Friday, September 20, 2024 - 3:15 am
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“It produces paralyzing pain”

After the serious assault suffered by a neighbor of Or Vicedoin Lugo, by a Portuguese caravelBetter Afternoon connects with Ramses Martiwater safety expert. As he explains, the danger of this false jellyfish “It’s not that it contains a toxin extremely painful himself, but it is the fact of the extent that contact with him can have.

“The tentacles can have up to 30 meters and we don’t see them while we’re swimming, we get addicted to them and they inoculate us with that toxin which produces enormous pain that paralyzes,” explains Martí, “being in the water can mean that we can’t go out“.

The expert recommends that, taking into account the man-of-war darttry to stay calm and to stay afloat. Ramses emphasizes the need to take certain floating element since it is something that, for example, saved the Neighbor of Lugo who suffered this attack.

Another very important thing is to remove the tentacles attached to the skin. To do this, you should not use bare hands but rather use gloves or, in any case, a cardboard box, a shell or a credit card. In addition, it is necessary wash the area but never use soft water as this may cause further bursting stinging cells and do more damage.




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