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HomeLatest NewsA king, an actress, the CNI, a threatening silence and various blackmails

A king, an actress, the CNI, a threatening silence and various blackmails

No one dared to say it, but the king walked around naked. Yes, in the famous photos that you have seen, he is dressed and kissing Bárbara Rey, but do not exclude that in future photos, which must have been taken by the hundreds, Juan Carlos I shows us, in fact, as naked as the king in history. Everything will work out, we have the impression that we only saw the shadow appear behind the curtains, the shoe under the door. Beware of the cascade of shamelessness that could now fall on us, with the iron belt around the now recognized royal commissioner broken, this guy who pocketed envelopes worth millions of euros.

Various considerations concerning this sordid spectacle of stolen images, according to what the chronicles of these days tell us. The king’s adultery is disturbing, first of all, not because he was a rather libertine crowned head, neither the first nor the only one, but because he and his relatives, not to mention friends, relatives and other associates, did not didn’t stop in their ways. many years of reign surrounded by priests, bishops and cardinals, even visits to the Pope of Rome, always ready to attend the lavish events organized by the Catholic Church, gold here, gold over there, poor but useless. Hypocrites he and his fiefdoms, as much as the high clerics who danced the water for them.

Let’s also focus for a moment on the sordid story of an 11-year-old boy recording the love scenes of his mother and a very tall man in 1994, when the happy couple had already started dating. intimate in 1977. Can we be surprised that now The same child, now a gentleman in his own right, with no known job or profit, makes his living selling his mother’s loving interiorities? Current actions confirm the results produced in childhood by such careful education received at home from childhood, rich in ethical and moral values. And this seems to be, or at least that’s what the friends of Christ the Son say, the first in a series of so-called committed photos. We said it at the beginning, tie up the males.

But what is important here, to which we must pay attention, is not the starlet nor her then tender baby and hardworking photographer. Bárbara Rey knew how to marry whoever she wanted, king or mason, thug or refined, by marrying a man of rather deplorable fame, the tamer Ángel Cristo, and devoting herself to living as she wanted or could. Even if he squandered the millions obtained from this work we are talking about here. There it is. Another thing, of course, is blackmail and it is true that the State, through the CNI, paid millions – of pesetas, let’s not go too far – to the famous actress. Has one of your important officials taken responsibility for carrying the envelopes in hand or depositing these funds into a certain checking account?

What’s cool is something else, and these are the actions of King Juan Carlos I, on the one hand, and the way in which national institutions, like the aforementioned CNI, but not only, have dedicated themselves to organization of the monarch’s sumptuous romantic evenings, first, and then paying, with the money of you and the person who writes this, the blackmail of the royal family, that is to say of the State, which apparently lasted for years. Because the fiery lover didn’t even have the dignity to say that I pay for my relief with my money, that’s why it’s coming out of my ears, my good sword strokes cost me to fill the chest- strong, and he allowed us to pay for the party. Blackmail? To the master gunsmith, who I’m going hunting and finding a new lover. To this general immodesty, we must add, let’s get to the heart of the matter and despite this, the worrying silence which covered and hid from citizens, probably for around twenty years, these and many other ignoble actions of the current emeritus king, always protected by a layer of respect – why, what merits has the good gentleman accumulated so that we silence his miseries – that today no one understands?

Did the press at the time say anything? No. We, journalists, did we look elsewhere when we had such unlaudable behavior before our eyes? It is easy to answer in the affirmative, but allow this old pen, already with its sagging flesh and somewhat liquefied brain, to show you some nuances. Of course, there were well-known, though never explicit, instructions that the king was not to be touched at all. This is how journalistic societies wanted it and this is how the profession accepted it. I can confirm and I confirm, to give a small but significant example, that Guiñol of Canal+ was never able to include Juan Carlos among his dozens of characters. Felipe, Aznar, etc., etc., but not the king. No discussion. This was so, and in a striking way, because Juan Carlos I was a venerated figure – for those in power and those around him, of course, but also because he always benefited from strong popular support, which those who do not want to admit it, say the mass – who brought us democracy after the death of the dictator, and who also saved us from a brutal coup d’état, – they feel it, damn it! – and he does not there was nothing more to say. Naive? This may be the case, let’s admit it, but it was not easy in those years, neither for the respectable public nor for journalists, to see this predatory being wandering around, as we saw later, through rich beds of milk and honey, gaining a good few kilos.

At the moment, it was not easy then to know that these events were happening. Rumors? Yes, of course, but I don’t remember that at that time anyone was able to confirm these meetings. There are more explanations. Was there really a need to publish a romance between the king and an adult? Besides the obvious morbidity of the king and the videte, did this information meet the standards of information? It was surely the so-called press of the heart that would have been charged with such a task, but their companies were not the best prepared to risk their necks. Now talking about the novels – Bárbara Rey’s was surely not the only one – the other fundraising skills of the monarch already mentioned, I don’t remember us having news of these huge sums deposited in obscure accounts in distant countries.

Everything came to a head at the beginning of this century and the following years. The elephants on one side and Corinna Larsen on the other – 65 million, this time in euros, given to the good lady – revealed a Juan Carlos who until then, because of this imposed but also self-imposed veneration, we had never been able to see clearly. He is now seeking, according to what we are told, to justify his appearance with a book, said to be a memoir, what a laugh, which is entitled Reconciliation. With whom ? With Bárbara Rey and a few other ladies? With Sofia of Habsburg? With Corinne? With Iñaki Urdangarin? Perhaps he is more pretentious and intends to reconcile with the Spanish people whom he has deceived and defrauded for years?

It is good that we flagellate ourselves for not having done the unmasking work that we should have done. We have certainly not fulfilled our duty. But to defend the guild of elderly people, let us say that we have not seen the youngest devote themselves tirelessly to the investigation of accounts in Swiss banks, for example, to locate these funds which maintain the very affected emeritus in his exile from the Emirates. Or find out who pays for your many stays in Spain. Or what money reaches the family of these, daughters, grandchildren, nephews and that great crowd of young people carrying the Spanish flag with caps and watches who gather around them, poor grandfather, like these ungrateful people have treated you. Much is already known about these CNI payments, there are even books about it, but there are surely many unrevealed details about how and from which accounts the money allowing Corinna Larsen to purchase so many necklaces came from. Investigate, investigate. It’s never too late if happiness is good. What is ours is hopeless, what is yours, brave young people, is.

Two last questions. To disturb. Is Felipe VI responsible for the attacks committed by his father? The answer is surely no. And the last: What merits, values ​​or virtues had Felipe de Borbón accumulated in 1986, when he was of age, to be proclaimed Prince and successor to the Crown by the Cortes, with the exception of being the son Who was he from? The answer is surely: neither merit, nor value, nor virtue.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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