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HomeLatest Newsthe shock of the squirrels at the confessions of their leader

the shock of the squirrels at the confessions of their leader

“8:07 p.m., it already smells like poop.” At this time on Thursday, September 26, the user @naaachetee wrote this message on Alvise Pérez’s Telegram channel. A little over four hours earlier, the leader of Se Acabó La Fiesta (SALF) had published, without further delay, the image of a digital clock which indicated 8:00 p.m. His 710,000 subscribers (90,000 fewer than the ballots he collected during the European elections) hoped that this would be when the MEP would give some sort of clarification on the elDiario information. es who revealed that he had received 100,000 euros in cash from a cryptocurrency. businessman to finance his campaign in exchange for influence on laws “as key to government with Feijóo and Abascal”.

The day had started well for the squirrels, as the followers of Toni Cantó’s former advisor are called. After several days of drought, at 8:33 a.m. they awoke again to THE NEWS OF THE TRUTH. Sorry for the shouting, but it’s impossible not to read aloud the grandiloquent title under which Pérez reveals all these problems that the corrupt media are keeping silent to support this rotten system (did I write that? I have to get out of here because as soon as possible…). The truth is that LA VERRRDAD did not seem to have much news in those days: if at the beginning of the month it almost guaranteed one meeting per day, the bulletin – with its proliferation of hypotheses and conditionals to avoid the courts – hadn’t appeared in almost a week.

So, in LASSSS NOTICIASSS DE LA VERRRRDADDDDD – it’s getting out of control, I know – this Thursday, after announcing the “prelude” to an economic crisis in Europe, talking about Venezuela, Begoña Gómez, Barrabés and a sanction to his former friends – now competitors – from Vox, Alvise got involved:

“Alleged fraudster Álvaro Romillo (CryptoSpain) would have accepted that the prosecution does not request preventive detention for fraud in exchange for Alvise’s accusation of having given him €100,000 “to help him finance his blocked electoral campaign” by banks. “The title was preceded by a moving emoticon with the initials OMG, which automatically reminded me of the magazine. Heartthe one that accompanied photos of celebrities with onomatopoeia like Arrgh! either Wow!

Then, after a scared emoji, the Supreme Squirrel writes about himself in the third person, like Aida Nízar (Aarg either Wow?): “Alvise Pérez would face a fine of 25% of the total if he had accepted €100,000 as a self-employed person without an invoice. » Here he already details the prosecution’s accusation for having assigned him to “electoral expenses” before returning to his former friend the crypto businessman: “Álvaro Romillo claims to have registered Santiago Abascal in his company ‘Sentinel ‘. The emoticon this time is a WTF in a dizzying spiral.

The first reactions, those of the most loyal: “ALVISE PRESIDENT”, the image of a squirrel or even “BIG ALVISE DEFENDING CASH” (note to novice readers: on this channel capital letters are multiplied in inverse proportion to commas or accents ). But doubts soon appear: “Alvise, clarify the sanction. “Is this true? » asks José. “Pio pio that I didn’t go there,” adds David and another David sums up: “Wow, Alvise.”

LAS NOTICIASSS… collect more than 800 comments, and although those favorable to the leader are the majority, there are beginning to be desertions in the ranks. A good example is the WEF’s statement: “Finally a sincere politician who does not waste public money but rather that of a private investor” to which alvaro.p responds: “A politician who receives money from ‘businessmen in exchange for favors is lifelong corruption, my friend. It’s already blocked. From now on, those who criticize will be infiltrated leftists or, even worse, opportunists who are just waiting to win the draw for the MEP’s salary.

“I am guilty.” The video

At 8 p.m., Daniel_MV wrote on the channel: “It seems to me that he must have extorted or committed any type of illegality, everything is for the common good and then create stability.” He responded thus to the laughter of another user, María Roldán: “Haha.. They will accuse him of irregular financing… And he said that this would be the government’s key to ousting Sánchez.. I’m upset.

The squirrels were punctual for their appointments but their boss not so much. “The Andalusians always arrive very late,” said Miquel – and he was not the only one. Barely ten minutes had passed and nerves were already on edge. “Where can I see Alvise’s statement?” » asked several anxious squirrels. “To Dazn,” replied 2K7Z…

“Well, look, I followed him as hard as I could, but they already hooked him with $100,000 in fraudulent campaign donations and on top of that he said that at eight o’clock he was going to come out and say things and he’s 8:05 a.m. already. and he said nothing, a lie. “After lie, after lie, after lie after lie,” argues Alfred Hitchok, for whom it is clear that these five minutes of his life are worth, on a legal level, as much as one hundred thousand euros in black.

Suddenly, at 8:11 p.m., a message begins to repeat itself: “on Instagram”; “It’s on Instagram.” Maemuki throws his hat into the ring: “He posted on Instagram first and we’ve already seen his argument. “This will surprise you.” He is not lying: “I agreed to collect these private fees without an invoice so that I could save money and not enrich myself thanks to my political activity,” Alvise goes so far as to say.

Between waiting and criticism, some users are getting impatient: “We have to make a filter for imbeciles, we are being filled with left-handed people in the pay of this dictatorship,” says D1 before coming up with a brilliant idea: “Some questions of culture general at the beginning will suffice. » Please don’t let this come down to a spelling question.

Among those who have not been on Instagram, doubts are growing. “Well, the audios are quite clear, I didn’t expect that from Alvise. Now I’ve heard them, what do you think”, asks Manuel. Eu Mesmo replies: “How not? If the Moorish face already made him think… There is no good one.

At this time, 8:14 p.m., the video titled “I am guilty” has already arrived on the channel, but the debate continues in this thread as it begins in a new one that will reach almost 3,700 comments. Between the “Grand Alvise” and the “Very good Alvise” the criticism begins to intensify. José Manuel: “You are a crook, ridiculous, a clown and a scoundrel who will achieve nothing, pringao. » Cambra: “You’re a ridiculous guy.” “You’re like everyone else, rotten,” Vicente said. “I have always been a team leader, but you lied to us by saying that you had not received donations above €5,000. I’m sorry but I’m getting off the boat,” adds Grupo Eneo. “Come on, you just confessed to the crime,” Calixto continues.

The farewells begin: “Here’s someone who’s crazy, we’ve had enough of Pinocchio Sanchez!” “There’s only you left”, says RR “Puffff, goodbye colleague”, this adds to the revivirquesondosdays. “Thank God you fooled us for a short time,” Mariano adds…

Alvise reacted within twenty minutes, trying to stop the leak. Share a screenshot of one of his posts on the X network (formerly Twitter).

This allusion to Abascal would provoke, the next day, the Vox Complaint Announcement.

But that will be later. Friday at 8:32 p.m., a new edition of THE NEWS OF TRUTH arrives. This will be the atmosphere that will spread across the channel, but there will no longer be the desire to shout the title with the voice of Héctor del Mar. This time, the mere mention of himself has nothing to do with it. see with the matter. Or yes: “The government and the opposition consider it “populist” that Alvise Pérez gave up the million euros that corresponds to him in subsidies. The emoji, a sad symbol of the rotating euro.

Half an hour later, another attempt. He puts the ABC cover online in which he takes up all the coverage, assures that “he received an invoice without VAT as a freelancer” and “asks the Spaniards to do the same”. Nothing that resembles election expenses.

The first comments are of unconditional support, pointing out that the media “now they are kicking you out” while defining him as “the Robin Hood of taxes”. “You’re late ALVISE, I’ve been doing everything I can in black for years!”, reprimands Biesse 94.

It takes time, of course, but reluctance is starting to appear. First a light rain which then gets worse. Someone who simply signs with a period says, “The worst part is that you treat us like freaks,” to which Gimmicks, who shouldn’t see this as something negative, responds, ” At least he’s on his way.

“THE PROBLEM IS THAT ALVISE WAS GOING TO FAVOR THIS BUSINESSMAN WHEN THE TIME CAME.” Eva shouts. “What a story you have, Alvise,” adds Iñaki, whom Bob supports: “More than Calleja. »

When saying goodbye to the channel, the penultimate thing that Alvise shared was a video from Javier Cárdenas’ radio show with the label: “Puente shows Ábalos for a trip to Mexico: he spent 44,000 euros and no invoice appears.” Pérez adds: “But have you declared VAT? Oh no; “It’s public money.”

Even though this provokes more than 3,000 laughs and almost 900 fires, a certain disconnect is perceptible in the comments. “He and you but he’s back”; “Of course, that exempts you from everything! » ; “In other words, you hide behind the fact that others are doing it, and then you too!!! Very good, champion!!!”

Between criticism and criticism, the flight of followers is starting to be felt (80,000 or 800, yes, depending on who is doing the math). While Ulises Lupu asked for “artillery now”, JB declared: “Only the abductees stay here…”, to which Raúl replied categorically: “Yes, I will stay”. Maria, distraught or courageous to the point of recklessness, launches a desperate appeal for resistance: “The united people will never be defeated!! “. D1 surely remembers his proposal for a general knowledge filter. But as those who don’t want to are not consoled, Lola is there to prove it: “At least we stopped the annoying saying: Alvise, when are you going to draw salaries?

I say penultimate because on Friday in the middle of the afternoon, the leader of the SALF published an anonymous survey: “What do you think of this public chat open to comments? Currently, 90% of the more than 9,400 votes collected Friday mid-afternoon are in favor of maintaining it. One of them was mine. Understand, this was the only way to access the results.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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