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Sergio Sánchez, director of Aguas de Alicante, receives the “Business-University” award from the UA postgraduate programs

The programs Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce of the University of Alicante celebrated last night the closing of the 2023/2024 academic year with a solemn ceremony in the University Auditorium, highlighting the growing importance of digitalization and customer orientation in the business field. With the qualification of 226 new graduates, the total number of graduates in recent years now exceeds 2,200, consolidating these programs as references in specialized training in business management.

The closing event brought together regional and local authorities, business leaders and relatives of graduates. Among them were Nuria Montes, Minister of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism; and Juan Llopis, Director of Projects and Institutional Relations of the University of Alicante, who chaired the ceremony.

Students from programs such as Business Management, Human Resources Management and other recently created programs such as Higher Programs in Management Control, Data Strategy and Business Digitalization Management, received the recognition for your efforts and dedication. The masters, intended for technicians, managers and entrepreneurs, strengthen key capacities for the adaptation of companies to the new technological and competitive demands of the global market.

During this fifteenth edition, the Company/University prize was awarded to Sergio Sanchez RiosManaging Director of Aguas de Alicante, in recognition of his exceptional support for business training and his commitment to sustainable development and innovation. This prize is awarded each year to personalities or companies who have demonstrated solid collaboration with the university in the training of new talents.

During the event, a moment of particular emotion took place with the recognition of Dr. Rafael Bernabeu, a leading international gynecologist in reproductive medicine, inspiration for two university chairs, unfortunately died a few weeks ago, to whom the University of Alicante and Fundeun and the Good Decisions Club paid tribute to him. Dr. Bernabeu’s daughters received this recognition.

A year marked by digitalization and continuing training

The 2023/2024 academic year was particularly focused on digitalization and customer orientation, key topics in the current economic environment. Programs funded by the New generation funds of the European Union, like those of the Change Agents for the digital transformation of businesses, have played a fundamental role in promoting the competitiveness of businesses and preparing professionals for the challenges of the future.

“Digitalization and effective change management are essential for business sustainability and growth,” commented Professor José Luis Gascó, director of the Good Decisions Club at the University of Alicante. “These programs train leaders who will guarantee the evolution of businesses in an increasingly globalized and competitive context.”

Training and collaboration as pillars of business success

Nuria Montes, in her speech, highlighted the importance of continuing education as a tool to face current business challenges. “The business world is changing rapidlyand only companies that invest in training and digitalization will be able to remain competitive,” he said.

With 19 editions of the oldest postgraduate programs, the University of Alicante continues to be a reference in the training of business leaders, preparing more than 2,200 professionals who now apply their knowledge in their respective sectors.

In addition to the aforementioned authorities and multiple representatives of the business world of Alicante and the Valencian Community, the event was attended by Reyes González, university professor and director of the SIRHO research group; Teresa Torregrosa, director of the Continuing Education Center; Fernando Garrido, Mediterranean director of EOI; Antonio Fernández, president of FUNDEUN; Vicente Seguí Pico, DG of Employment, Business Development and New Economy of Alicante City Hall; Lucia Gomis, Director of the AU General Foundation: and José Luis Gascó Gascó, Director of the AU Good Decisions Club.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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