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HomeLatest NewsThe CGPJ promotes the judge who described Pedro Sánchez as a “psychopath”

The CGPJ promotes the judge who described Pedro Sánchez as a “psychopath”

The first appointments of the new General Council of the Judicial Power, recently renewed, are beginning to be published in the Official State Journal (BOE). One of them was that of the magistrate Manuel Ruiz de Lara, appointed by the Permanent Commission of the CGPJ as a member of the Qualifying Court due to the resignation of another magistrate specialized in commercial affairs, Sofía Gil García. Ruiz de Lara’s name appeared in the media in November 2023 after he deleted his Twitter account after the CGPJ itself opened a file to determine whether he had committed an offense by calling Pedro Sánchez a “psychopath without ethical limits » or “personification of dishonor”. » to the state attorney general. Last June, the Permanent Commission of the CGPJ refused to sanction the magistrate.

But Ruiz de Lara is not exactly someone who goes unnoticed in racing and is best known in the associative field. This is the judge who was in charge of the Super League case for months and who signed the controversial order that supported the frustrated project of Florentino Pérez and other football moguls. In addition, he is spokesperson for a minority platform for judicial independence which distributed a guide against amnesty via the CGPJ electronic messaging system. He is lavish on social networks and press articles in which he criticizes members of the Progressive Executive and praises Vox. In addition to describing the president of the government as a “psychopath without ethical limits” or the state attorney general as a “personification of dishonor,” he also disqualified the Minister of the Presidency and Justice, Félix Bolaños, whom he called him a “pathological liar”. servant.”

In its proposal, the disciplinary authority finally refused to sanction him, alleging that even if there is “a constant and notable correlation” between the magistrate and the profile from which the insults were broadcast, it was not possible to determine the authorship of the messages. or the authenticity of the messages themselves. The magistrate affirmed that he had not written these messages. In the proposal to archive the file, it also appears that it is not proven that the author invoked or used his capacity as a judge to pronounce these challenges.

The function that he will now exercise as a member of the Aptitude Tribunal will be to decide which of the people who are already in the judiciary and who pass an internal examination are suitable for the Commercial specialty. It is these specialists who will later be given preference in the judicial career to occupy positions in commercial courts, provincial courts and the Supreme Court.

Commercial judges make decisions in highly relevant disputes: patents, trademarks, unfair competition, social issues and everything related to bankruptcy proceedings.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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