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Alvise, to the businessman who paid him 100,000 euros: “You are invited to give lectures at the European Parliament”

“You are more than welcome to the European Parliament if you like to give a talk.” This is the promise that Alvise Pérez made to Álvaro Romillo —aka CryptoSpain—, the businessman who paid him 100,000 euros in cash during the previous European campaign. The conversation, to which had access, is part of the documentation that the crypto businessman has made available to justice and which includes telephone conversations and messages detailing the relationship between the two and this payment in cash, after which the politician demanded funds “which do not need to be controlled by the Court of Auditors” to pay for his campaign and the payments for the various trials he lost. This Thursday, Alvise admitted that he had collected this money, but that he had done it so as not to get rich through politics, while calling on citizens not to pay taxes. The Supreme Court prosecutor’s office is already investigating whether there was illegal financing of the Se Acabó la Fiesta (SALF) campaign, the electoral group with which the author of the hoax obtained more than 800,000 votes last June.

The conversations held by the public prosecutor certify that the current MEP did not only verbally propose to “give lectures” to the European Parliament. But he even suggested that these conferences could be financed with money from Community institutions. “We can do it with Commission funds, eh, Industry… and things like that. The fact is that I want to support cryptocurrency-based initiatives in the European Parliament. Yes, I even draw salaries with the blockchain,” he told his interlocutor. He also proposed to “present 10,000 measures to the European Parliament to defend cryptocurrencies and the companies that operate with them.” The interview took place last Friday, September 13, just four months after receiving the money at an office of the Madeira Invest Club (MIC) in Madrid.

Romillo is the founder of MIC, the financial club that Alvise sponsored in a massive event and which closed its doors on September 16 after failing to achieve the high returns promised to its investors (above 30%) . The National Court is also studying several macro-procedures for fraud against him. The aforementioned conversation took place just three days before closing, on September 13. El Confidencial had published information with the following title: Alvise diverts donations for his campaign to accounts with money from a beach bar reported by the CNMV. This “chiringuito” was the financial club of Romillo, who in this conversation tried to distance himself from the politician and even told him that it was not the time to do things together since the “spotlights” were on on both.

Despite this, Alvise insisted throughout the conversation that they could articulate this hypothetical speech to the European Parliament as “something apolitical” and also let slip that the two had outstanding questions. “Don’t think that I forget you, that I am a man of my word,” said the MEP. “The only problem is that now you’re on everyone’s lips and there must really be people very interested in joining you. “It’s clear to me,” replied the businessman referred to the National Court.

This conversation and others in the possession of the prosecution show how a sort of relationship developed between the two for months during which the candidate was looking for money to finance his “political adventure” and the businessman had access to the leader’s thousands of supporters. of SALF to promote your businesses. Alvise even went so far as to explain his “needs” in writing in response to the businessman’s request for details. Above all, one of them stands out: “funds which do not need to be controlled by the Court of Auditors” to finance rallies, advertising and campaign events. He also needed funds to face, in his words, “certain fines for revealing secrets against the state and data protection.”

Conversation between Alvise and the founder of the MIC in which the ultra agitator explains that he wants funds that the Court of Auditors does not have to study.

The businessman responded that he knew “people who have money” and that they might be interested not so much in his political project, but in contributions as a kind of “investment” or of “collaboration” in exchange for publicity of its commercial projects. among his supporters. Alvise was “thrilled” to do a “weekly promotion” or “record some very viral things with guests and influencers”, although the exact terms of this alleged collaboration did not appear in the messages provided to the prosecution.

In their conversations, Romillo and Pérez discuss the possible recording of a video in which the leader of the SALF would be responsible for publicizing the advantages of Sentinel, a company dedicated to facilitating the exchange of money under a promise of total confidentiality and who manages 5,000 security boxes in an armored fortification in the heart of Madrid and what was the system by which Alvise received the 100,000 euros. And they even considered the possibility of doing the recording outside of their offices, which they ultimately postponed due to the noise that this could generate on the eve of the elections.

In the video that he recorded this Thursday to defend himself, Alvise Pérez acknowledged in several interventions that he had agreed to receive this money “without an invoice” in order to “be able to save more” and assured that It was a “payment for promotional actions”. services, much lower than the market price. In other words, he tried to pass off as a simple tax irregularity what the Supreme Court prosecutor’s office is already investigating as a possible crime of illegal financing.

In his recorded appearance, Alvise did not specify what service he would have rendered to the businessman for the latter to pay him 100,000 euros in cash. In his conversations with the businessman, which was able to examine, Alvise did not mention any remuneration for work or any specific collaboration beyond participation in the racetrack, in which he participated for a few minutes. On his Telegram channel, where he has more than 700,000 subscribers, he has also not once mentioned the Sentinel company or the Madeira Invest Club.

For the moment, the only thing proven is that Alvise received 100,000 euros from a financial club that ended up closing, leaving thousands of investors stranded and that, in several messages, he admitted that this money would be good for financing his “politics”. adventure.” “You make an urgent part of the campaign possible for me. Thanks a lot, man,” he even said to his financier. And, beyond the event at the racetrack during which he is intervened briefly, we know nothing of this alleged work which he defends having invoiced as an independent to settle the matter with a simple tax difference by means of an additional declaration.

Audios by Alvise, on

– Alvise promised laws in favor of the businessman who paid him 100,000 euros: “I will be the key to the government with Feijóo and Abascal”

– Alvise informed the businessman who paid him that the Civil Guard was investigating him for a complaint to the CNMV

– Messages from Alvise after receiving the cash: “Thank you 100,000”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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