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Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah for more than 30 years and loyal ally of Iran who lived in the shadows

Hassan Nasrallahleader of the Hezbollah group, He died in Israeli bombings in Beirut according to the Jewish State. Everything, during the bombings which fell on one of the Dahye barracksin the southern suburbs of Beirut, during attacks occurring after several massive offensives which have already eliminated several Hezbollah leaders just like they caused the death of dozens of Lebanese civilians.

For more than three decades, Nasrallah was primarily responsible for the political and military formation of a now decapitated movement. Who now has an uncertain future facing a unpredictable scenario after the death of He had been their leader since he was 32 years old.

Nasrallah was always fully aware that he was an avowed enemy of Israel. He was the last leader of Hezbollahand this made him always a target of the Jewish state. SO, since 2006 he had been living in secret locations and his public appearances can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

I didn’t even use a phone

“I haven’t used a cell phone or landline for years for security reasons. If I wanted to do it, they wouldn’t allow me. » he said in May to apologize for not being able to attend his mother’s funeral.

The Arab world recognized his speech and his charisma. His caution too. It is a fact that Nasrallah, born in 1960 into a modest family in the eastern suburbs of Beirut, ended up leading Hezbollah. From school, he showed great religious fervor and, when he reached adolescence joins the Shiite Amal political movement to participate now in some of their proposals.

One of the creators of Hezbollah

Now an adult, Nasrallah went to the Iraqi city of Najaf. There, he was tasked, upon his return to Lebanon, with studying under Abbas Musawi, his predecessor as head of Hezbollah. He was one of its creators in 1982, defining it as “the Party of God” for form from the outset in its management body, called “the Council of Seven”.

All because of Israel’s invasion of Lebanon under the pretext of stopping Palestinian guerrilla attacks. But the real reason was the appointment of Maroni Christian Bachir Gemayer, pro-Israeli, for the Lebanese presidency.

It was in their rebellion that Hezbollah was born, as a bastion of resistance and with the aim of destroying Israel with its main stronghold in Baalbeck. His most brutal attack was the one that cost him his life to 241 American Marines and 58 French paratroopers in Beirut on October 23, 1983

Elected secretary general of Hezbollah at age 32

Hours after Israel eliminated Musawi, and at just 32 years old, he was elected secretary general of a group he brought out of hiding to Turn it into a political party to be something more than a militia or a religious brotherhood. In 1992, during his first elections, he won twelve seats in the Lebanese Parliament.

Nasrallah, as secretary of the group, gained great respect in the Arab world after his uncompromising and belligerent stance helped IIsrael left Lebanon after 18 years of occupation. He maintained his position, which eventually led to conflict, in 2006. That year, he escaped an attack on his home and emerged unscathed after his group kidnapped two Israeli soldiers.

For five weeks, Hezbollah and Israel exchanged blows. Instead of disarming and withdrawing, as the agreement called for, Hezbollah rearmed himself by acquiring long-range weapons to continue their harassment against Israel.

Hezbollah, in the war in Gaza to support Hamas

They responded harshly, while Hezbollah consolidated itself as a state in Lebanon. Equipped with a large military force, it enters the war in Gaza in 2023 to support Hamas and destabilize Israel’s northern flank. It took almost a year for the Israeli response to arrive, killing more than 700 people in a week and, according to them, ending with their attacks on Nasrallah. With the hitherto elusive leader of Hezbollah.




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