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The €500 driving licence fee will not apply at the start of the school year.

Promoting youth mobility: this was the aim of a series of measures announced in June 2023 by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne. These included lowering the minimum age for obtaining a driving licence to 17 years, which came into force on 1Ahem January 2024, but also the extension to students of vocational training institutes of the financial aid of 500 euros that apprentices currently receive to obtain this permit.

If the official government website for students suggests that the measure has come into effect, it is not, and at the moment no date of application is planned because it has not been translated into any text, confirmed World the services of the Ministry of National Education and Youth.

On another government site, the “inclusion community” (a forum), many families expressed their expectations in this area. “Following Elisabeth Borne’s announcement (June 2023) on a 500 euro grant for a driving licence for vocational secondary school students (not apprentices) aged 17 and over, what is happening? Because my 19-year-old son has just obtained a vocational baccalaureate in boilermaking and it would be very useful for him to get a hand in financing his driving licence. And it’s almost September 2024…”wrote a father on August 7, adding that he “It is time to give us the instructions to follow”.

Other help

“My youngster, who is starting his final year of vocational high school in September, started driving in June with the promise of a 500 euro grant for vocational high school students, but nothing; in July they are not given anything either.”another lamented on July 27.

“Since this announcement, neither families nor establishments have been able to obtain details about the implementation of this measure”also deplored MEP Anne-Laure Blin (Les Républicains) in a question addressed to the Ministry of National Education and Youth and published in Official Journal March 19th.

Decryption | Article reserved for our subscribers. An unprecedented start to the school year, without a full-time Minister of Education

The ministry, which he asked “Please clarify the procedure to be followed to allow vocational secondary school students to benefit from it”He then suggested, in his response published in mid-May, that the measure, “under study”It could possibly come into effect at the start of the school year. Ultimately, this will not be the case.

The ministry, however, listed other aids, such as “The interest-free loan is open to all young people aged 15 to 25” (also called “one euro per day permit”), the mobilization, now possible, of the personal training supplement (CPF) and the “Rewarding periods of training in a professional environment which, although not specifically intended for preparing for a driving licence, can be an important lever for financing it”.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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