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Antonio Sanz asks María Jesús Montero to “stop deceiving the Spanish” with the “Catalan independence quota”

The advisor of Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification of the Andalusian Government, Antonio Sanz (PP-A), urged this Saturday the first vice-president of the government and Minister of Finance, Maria Jesus Monteroto “stop deceiving the Spaniards” with the “Catalan independence quota”, and to “withdraw the agreement” on which it is based, while regretting that “every day we invent something to justify the unjustifiable”.

This was stated by the Andalusian advisor to the Presidency, questioned by journalists during an interview with the media in Cadiz by participating in the inauguration of Provincial Day of Civil Protection Volunteersand one day after First Vice President and Minister of Finance of the government to decide on the “singular financing” for Catalonia agreed between the PSC and republican left of Catalonia (ERC) in another media attention within the framework of the 95th anniversary event of the Cádiz Free Trade Zone.

Antonio Sanz called on María Jesús Montero to “stop lying to us, inventing stories and looking for excuses”, and stressed that the first vice president “only has one way to respect Andalusians and all the Spaniards, it is to withdraw” the agreement which involves the proposal of the independence quota, of the Catalan quota.

“The Vice President of the Government,” María Jesús Montero, “and President (Pedro) Sánchez have only one path to respect the Constitution“, equal opportunities, solidarity among all Spaniards and the guarantee of balanced financing for all Spaniards, which means removing the independence quota, removing and withdrawing the privileges that it intends to grant to certain communities compared to others,” he said. Presidency.

In this sense, Antonio Sanz stressed that “the independence quota and the proposal defended by “María Jesús Montero” are detrimental to everyone, especially to Andalusia”, and the Minister of Finance, whose advisor recalled the Andalusian origin, “He is complicit in the greatest betrayal committed against Andalusia since democracy”which aims for this community, “instead of being first class, to become a second or third class community,” he warned.

Thus, the advisor underlined that Andalusia, if this “quota” prospers, “will be punished by funding which will be reduced whatever happens” and “whatever we invent”, underlined the Minister of Finance Antonio Sanz , who did it. he thus insisted on calling Montero to “stop being complicit in the greatest betrayal of Andalusia, to become Andalusian again”.

“I think she is too obsessed with defending Sánchez, and the time has come for her to rectify, to return to the quota proposal and to stop inventing things,” added the presidential advisor in reference to the Minister of the Treasury. considered that “He cannot continue with more deceptions” or “playing with all the Spaniards”.

In the same spirit, Antonio Sanz affirmed that “the proposal for pro-independence quotas cannot in any way be justified” and “Not everything is worth keeping Sánchez in the chair” of the presidency of the Government. “The stability of all Spaniards, balance, cohesion, equal opportunities, solidarity cannot be put in danger because Sánchez must remain in power,” he proclaimed.

The advisor thus concluded by emphasizing that “the only path left” for Montero and Sánchez is to “retire”, as the President of the Commission requested “directly” to the Director General of the meeting held last week in La Moncloa“the independence quota, the Catalan quota, and this withdraws the privileges of certain autonomous communities over others”. “Otherwise, no one will remove the Andalusian seal from Ms. Montero, complicit in the greatest betrayal of Andalusia in history,” warned Antonio Sanz in conclusion.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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