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HomeBreaking NewsFeijóo attacks Sánchez's 'purges' and proposes 26-week permit for single-parent families

Feijóo attacks Sánchez’s ‘purges’ and proposes 26-week permit for single-parent families

The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, proposed this Saturday extend maternity leave for single-parent families to 26 weeks in a harsh speech in which he also attacked the “internal purge” that Pedro Sánchez could carry out in front of the next Federal Committee of the PSOE.

The popular leader accompanied the PP-Aragón on the occasion of Members’ Day, an event in which also participated, among others, the president and the highest representative of the party in the Community, Jorge Azcón and the mayor of Zaragoza, Natalia Chueca.

During his speech he defined Sánchez’s executive as “a government without a budget, without laws, surrounded by corruption, and taken hostage by its partners”. “But it’s not Spain, it’s Sanchismo,” he said.

Faced with criticism for his openness to negotiating the reduction of working hours, Feijóo wanted to go further and announced two special measures that the Popular Party will propose: the extension of paternity and maternity leave to 26 weeks for single-parent families and the issuance of a card similar to that available to large families.

Commenting on the needs of families in Spain, Feijóo said: “I am not going to abandon the debates of our time, because Spain needs a futureneeds boys and girls, young people, fathers and mothers capable of taking care of their children, grandfathers and grandmothers who provide them with affection and not who replace public services.

“I am proud to have set up free nursery schools in Galicia, and Progress is being made in this area in 14 communities. Aragon is one of them, thanks to Jorge Azcón. “When I am president, I will fund 50% of free preschools,” he said.

The popular leader also stressed that during his training “all families are suitable.” For example, those in which joint custody is agreed upon separation, both will retain large family status.

“We are proposing to extend paternity and maternity leave to 26 weeks in single-parent families. In addition, they will have a specific title like large families. We are making a useful policy that seeks solutions to problems,” he announced.

Concerning the political situation, he stressed that “Spain deserves a government that attacks neither judges nor journalists, which is dedicated to the defense of citizens and not to internal purges.” “The next federal committee of the PSOE-Aragon will be a purge of the Socialist Party”, he added, clearly alluding to the division that exists within of the Aragonese PSOE after the harsh declarations of its general secretary, Javier Lambán, against the Catalan quota.

The popular leader once again demanded the resignation of Pedro Sánchez: “Spain has an unsustainable government that is pushing us into decline. You won’t hear me say that I’m going to take money from Aragon so that a partner can keep me in government. Spain deserves a government without abuse of power and suspicion of corruption must resign,” he said.

For all this, it has been demonstrated in favor of a new election considering that many of those who did not vote for the PP understood what it meant and that after a year they would put their trust in them.

He also defended that the PP is the only state party in Spain: “The only party that represents the alternative is the PP. We have a commitment against Sánchez. And we do not accept that in Spain there are first and second class citizens. In Spain we are all equal, no matter where we are born and no matter how much money we have,” he said.




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