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Ángel Cristo faces five years in prison if Bárbara Rey decides to denounce him for the publication of his photos with King Juan Carlos

Ángel Cristo insists on the authorship of the photographs of King Juan Carlos I next to Barbara Reythat the Dutch magazine ‘Privé’ published this week. We see the monarch with the ex-star in an affectionate attitude and even kissing on the porch of a cottage private townhouse in Aravaca, Madrid. He also assured that he had taken the photos when he was just a child at a neighbor’s house and that it was his mother who had them taken. blackmail the then king.

“I see him capable of anything”he confessed Sofia Christ in an interview for Espejo Público, in which he wished his brother “rot in a fucking prison” after thus betraying his mother.

According to Beatriz de Vicente warnedlawyer and criminologist, in Más Vale Tarde, the son of Ángel Cristo and Bárbara Rey could risks up to five years in prison if the ex-star decides to denounce him. “He would face two crimes”, he argued, that of “revelation of secrets with diffusion”, in which his mother would have to “prove that it was he who sold or delivered the images” to the Dutch magazine; and also to a crime of “threat”, for which he could be sentenced to “four years in prison”. To prove that there was a threat, Barbara Rey He would have to present “recordings or WhatsApp messages” which prove it.

During the interview that Ángel Cristo Jr. gave this Friday, he also stated that “I will go to the end“of this affair, which began with the publication of these snapshots in which an open secret is confirmed: the love story between King Juan Carlos and Bárbara Rey. Although, as journalist Gema López said in Espejo Público, there would be recordings “for sale” with “sensitive” content.

“I’m ashamed that this situation happened, but “we must tell the truth”declared the son of the ex-star, to victimize himself by adding that he lived “an adolescence marked by experiences and situations that did not belong to him“.

In the same spirit, he also took the opportunity to attack his mother and his sister: “If they want to lie to the judge, go ahead. I no longer expect anything from them,” he said, then immediately declared that he had evidence, witnesses and recordings who confirm their version.

For his part, Sofia Christ He denies that these photographs were taken by him, but that they were taken by an “adult person” and emphasizes that “they were stolen”. “My mother is a victim of King Juan Carlos, her greatest misfortune was meeting him” he said forcefully.




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