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HomeLatest NewsThe Talavera Ethnographic Museum will focus on new technologies during its 2024/2025...

The Talavera Ethnographic Museum will focus on new technologies during its 2024/2025 season

The president of the Autonomous Local Organization of Culture (OAL) of the Talavera de la Reina City Hall (Toledo), Enrique Etayo, presented the new projects that the Ethnographic Museum during the 2024-2025 season, highlighting “the significant commitment to new technologies and digital tools”.

This was announced during a press conference, in the presence of the director of the Ethnographic Museum of Talavera, Jesús Mejías, where they also took stock of the annual report and reviewed some of the projects carried out during this year 2024, such as the ‘reported Talavera Town Hall in a press release. “If we want to be close to citizens, we must have new technological tools“Now everything is happening there,” he said.

The director of the Ethnographic Museum of Talavera, Jesús Mejías, thanked the work and involvement of the president of the OAL of Culture, emphasizing that “on few occasions the OAL has supported the museum so much, we are very grateful.”

Among the new projects for next year 2025, the Ethnographic Museum will present a new websitea new application for mobile devices that will allow integrating information about the collections available at the Ethnographic Museum of Talavera “in an orderly and coherent way for the public”, as well as being able to interact with the museum through a games section in a single mobile site.

This application will allow the download of current content available on websites or social networks, corresponding to the educational programs, collections and eventsproviding the museum visitor with the most up-to-date and detailed information possible.

In addition to being able to view and download the available information, the application will allow you to play through a section of games with questions and riddles, where all audiences will be able to enjoy its cultural content from outside the museum.

It will be downloadable via Play Store and App Store supporting Android or iPhone mobiles. At the same time, the generation of Q codes will be provided to facilitate their download. These codes will be available on all digital media and printed on information posters.

On the other hand, and with the aim of better disseminating events, news and announcements from the Ethnographic Museum, the use of the WhatsApp application will be established. “A new tool to keep visitors and participants in related activities informed at all times.”

In addition, the Museum will announce in 2025 the rgraphic representation of wallsthrough images or videos created by software. The objective of rendering is to create an image or video with which to show a concept, an idea or in this case the digital project of the walled area of ​​the city. With this 3D rendering format, you can get information and photographs of each iconic place and building.

Besides viewing in person in the main hall of the Museum, the visitor will also be able to view the model virtually from anywhere and via the museum’s website or the link shared by the Museum.

On the other hand, Enrique Etayo highlighted the new projects developed in this year 2024, highlighting the ‘Memory bank of the Ethnographic Museum of Talavera’it is “an initiative aimed at preserving the intangible ethnographic heritage of the city, through the oral testimonies of its inhabitants”.

New workshops

Likewise, the Mayor of Culture spoke of the importance of implementing information with QR codes, the new educational workshops adapted to LOMLOE.

These workshops are divided into groups according to their format, with guided tours of the museum exhibition, the visitable warehouse of the hat shop, the exterior of the museum and a guided tour for children “The little ones also go to the museum ” ; seven educational workshops, including two new ones, “The Baroque of Talavera in the time of Padre Juan de Mariana” and “Oil, production and importance in Talavera”; and gymkhana and traditional games, more recreational activities so that students can interact in a different way with the museum, also with two new features, the gymkhana in the hat shop and the Mondas gymkhana.

Likewise, Etayo also highlighted the Diversity Plan, a program developed to meet the needs of people with disabilities who visit the Ethnographic Museum of Talavera de la Reina, “guaranteeing the right to equal opportunities and treatment compared to the rest citizens, and eradicate all forms of discrimination, in order to achieve their social inclusion.

The objective is to facilitate access for visitors with all types of disabilities to the Museum’s collections and exhibitions.

Visual disability protocols are established with visitor-friendly scripts and the use of touch for different rooms. A protocol for the hearing impaired, protocols for people with intellectual disabilities such as easy reading and protocols for people with reduced mobility are also integrated, making the Museum’s facilities more accessible to every type of person.

In addition, the president of the OAL of Culture highlighted the catalog of the collections of the CC Rafael Morales and the Ethnographic Museum or the photographic collection Lorenzo Rodríguez, which was donated to the Local Autonomous Organization of Culture and preserved at the Ethnographic Museum by the heirs of the author. .

The objective of this new initiative is to give the opportunity, to anyone who requests it, to see the digital negatives of the photos belonging to the catalog of Lorenzo Rodríguez, photographs that were exhibited at the “El Salvador” cultural center in the summer last 2023.

It should be noted that in addition to the activities carried out each year at the museum, this year 2024, being the IV centenary of the death of Juan de Mariana, a special annual program has been created in which many events have been developed in connection with this centenary.

“An essential part of the work of the Ethnographic Museum is the ability to innovate and create new proposals, new formats and new ways of understanding the exhibitions and getting closer to the visitor,” he emphasized.

Finally, the Ethnographic Museum detailed that during this last month of August, a total of 1014 visitorss, “noting that the number of visits has increased compared to other years”.

This significant number of visitors exceeds 100, 200 and even 300 visitors compared to previous years. Concretely, the cumulative annual total obtained so far in this year 2024 is 8,454, “predicting that it will be one of the best years in recent years”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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