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HomeLatest News“I arrive with 25 billion euros and I leave with 35,000”

“I arrive with 25 billion euros and I leave with 35,000”

Zaragoza was the scene this Saturday of the day of the Aragonese affiliates of the PP, an event attended by the president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez-Feijóo. The popular leader took with humor the commercial announcements constantly launched by the head of the Aragonese executive, Jorge Azcón: “I arrive with 25 billion euros and I leave with 35,000, almost nothing,” he stressed. , before starting again. conciliation.

“This first year of Jorge Azcón (in the Government of Aragon) was the first of many years of Jorge Azcón at the head of the community,” said Feijóo, whose speech was formulated mainly in a tone national but who He recalled Luisa Fernanda Rudi, president of the Aragonese PP between 2008 and 2017.

For his part, Azcón took the opportunity to attack the Minister of Housing, whom he warned that he would not accept “threats or blackmail”, as well as against the head of Education and spokesperson word of the executive of Pedro Sánchez, the Aragonese Pilar Alegría. He accused him of having “insulted” the population of Teruel by approving the comparison of the agreement between the PSC and Esquerra for Catalan financing with aid to Teruel, Cuenca and Soria, and demanded that he ask ” pardon “. “If you don’t, we will remind you every time you come,” he added.

The Aragonese president once again referred to the investments announced by technological multinationals in Aragon in recent months, some of them linked to the last government of the socialist Javier Lambán. “This year we have already managed to implement 25 billion euros in new investments, in logistics, in agri-food and in technology,” he began by declaring, even if the majority of today this amount only reaches the ad category. . “And before the end of the year – he repeated, as he has done on several occasions – we are going to announce an additional 10 billion euros.”

And he once again develops an argument that he has already repeated several times: “All of Spain, in one year, was able to attract foreign investments worth 28 billion euros; in Aragon, in one year, 35 billion. It should be remembered that, for example, the investment announced by Amazon, of 15.7 billion euros, is planned to be made until 2033, almost a decade from now. In the case of Microsoft, the situation is not much different.

A “drip by drip of cuts in health”, according to the PSOE

Azcón’s remarks received a response from the organizing secretary of the PSOE Aragón, Darío Villagrasa, who focused on “the permanent drop of cuts in health that the Azcón government is incapable of stop because of its organizational chaos, its lack of interest in public health.” and the incompetence of those responsible.

Villagrasa attacked the Aragonese president for not having referred to the health situation and invited Feijóo and Azcón to accompany today some Zaragoza who need treatment, “given that during the weekends almost 200,000 people on the left bank are forced to “do a gymkhana to be treated in who knows what health center or hospital. »


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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