Saturday, September 28, 2024 - 11:44 pm
HomeTop StoriesThe businessman who paid Alvise 100,000 euros is said to have defrauded...

The businessman who paid Alvise 100,000 euros is said to have defrauded between 300 and 600 million from around 3,000 people.

The company run by Álvaro Romillo, the businessman who paid 100,000 euros to Alvise Pérezhead of “The party is over”would have defrauded according to around 3,000 people around a quantity which oscillates between 300 and 600 million euros.

The people concerned, in this sense, entrusted 100,000 euros to what they thought It was an investors club, but in reality it was a financial chiringuito.

Romillo, businessman of ‘CryptoSpain’, is in the news after some audios in which it was confirmed that had paid 100,000 euros to Alvise Pérez ahead of this year’s European elections.

In addition, the leader of ‘Se Fino la Fiesta’, in the latest file revealed ‘’suggested the businessman free discussions in the European Parliament paid with “Commission fund”.

He also suggested that, if this was the key to a coalition government between the PP and Vox, He would promote laws favorable to Romillo’s business.




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