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HomeLatest NewsThe seventh edition of the D*na Festival begins with the best chefs:...

The seventh edition of the D*na Festival begins with the best chefs: location and program

He D*na Festivalthe great event of Mediterranean gastronomy, opened its seventh edition this Saturday, kicking off a weekend full of flavors, tradition and innovation. The Marineta Cassiana promenade in Denia (Alicante) has become, once again, the culinary epicenter of the Mediterranean, celebrating the region’s rich gastronomic culture and paying homage to the produce of the garden and the hands that cultivate it.

The inauguration of the festival was attended by important public figures and from the gastronomic world, including the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazon; the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism, Nuria Montes; the mayor of Dénia and president of the Dénia Creative Foundation, Vicent Grimalt; and the chef and gastronomic curator of D*na, Quique Dacosta. Together, they took the grand tour of the festival, discovering first-hand the wide range of local products displayed by the region’s producers, restaurateurs and chefs.

Vicent Grimalt underlined the relevance of this event in the consolidation of local gastronomy: “This seventh D*na is a celebration of our land and those who work it. We dedicate this weekend to farmers and producers who allow us to have high quality local products on our markets. “It’s recognition of their efforts.”

For his part, and as gastronomic commissioner of the event, the three Michelin star chef, Quique Dacosta, highlighted the cultural and social impact of the festival: “The D*na Festival makes sense because it has become a extraordinary tool for Deniathe Marina Alta and the Valencian Community. This weekend, we will not only talk about gastronomy, but it will be the voice of the public which will give real meaning to this meeting. “We will continue working so that D*na continues to be a valid platform for all those who, with their dedication, promote our gastronomic culture.”

A showcase of culinary excellence

Over its seven editions, D*na Festival has established itself as one of the the most important gastronomic events in the countryand returns this year with the aim of surpassing the success of previous editions. D*na 2024 begins today in Dénia with a focus centered on the Mediterranean garden, seeking to enhance the link between the countryside and avant-garde cuisine. In the words of President Carlos Mazón, “this region has benefited from privileged sun, sea and land, but the real talent lies in what it has been able to do with it. “D*na is an example of how to transform local into a premium, respectful, balanced, sustainable and delicious dining experience.”

The Valencian President recalled that more than a quarter of tourists who visit the Valencian Community do so for its gastronomic offer, and that D*na is an unrivaled example of the region’s culinary wealth. “Here, we share knowledge and flavors, and the professionals who make this effort deserve all our recognition. The Valencian Community is a gastronomic reference and events like this are proof of that,” he added.

A major gastronomic festival open to the public

Until tomorrow Sunday, the D*na Festival offers a varied program of activities where gastronomic diffusion and creativity are the protagonists. This afternoon, chefs of the caliber of María José San Román, Vicky Sevilla, Rodrigo de la Calle, Javier Olleros, Ricard Camarena and Massimo Arienti They participate in presentations and workshops, sharing their knowledge and experiences about Mediterranean cuisine and its relationship with local products. Tomorrow it will be the turn of the long-awaited showcookings of Susi Díaz, Ramón Freixa, Luis Valls and Begoña Rodrigo, who will delight the public with their innovative creations, demonstrating that avant-garde cuisine can also turn to its roots.

The festival program also includes more than thirty activities open to the public and dedicated to the dissemination of the different culinary techniques and products of the region, such as wines, oils and spices. These activities will allow participants to enter the world of haute cuisine led by some of the best restaurateurs and producers in the Marina Alta.

With the Mediterranean Sea as a backdrop and the Montgó mountain guarding the event, the D*na Festival 2024 promises to be, once again, a celebration of the tradition, heritage and innovation that have made of Denia a creative city of gastronomy for UNESCO. A festival that looks to the future without forgetting its roots, showcasing love of the land and commitment to sustainable, respectful and excellent cuisine.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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