Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 1:47 am
HomeBreaking NewsOfficial Baku: "Peter Stano's views on the militarization of Armenia are unfounded"

Official Baku: “Peter Stano’s views on the militarization of Armenia are unfounded”

The views expressed by Peter Stano, Press Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Union (EU), in response to the question of the Armenian news agency “Armenpress” on the mandate of the European Union Mission in Armenia, and the militarization of Armenia, are completely unfounded and unacceptable.

Oku.Az This is stated in the statement of the press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Aykhan Hajizade, regarding the statements of Peter Stano, press secretary of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

“We strongly reject the misinterpretation by the European Union official of the views of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan with open prejudice.

The mandate of the mission created with Azerbaijan’s consent has been expanded without any basis, and the idea that it is supposed to play a role in supporting peace in the region and the normalization process between Azerbaijan and Armenia shows how This mission has been abused. .

This mission, which is actively exploited as a tool of anti-Azerbaijani propaganda, cannot play any role in the normalization process of Azerbaijan with Armenia.

Despite several promises since the establishment of the EU mission, the mission did not take into account the legitimate interests of Azerbaijan and the mission’s activity did not ensure mutual trust.

As is known to everyone, the head of the EU Mission has repeatedly expressed the opinion that Azerbaijan is preparing for any attack, based on false and defamatory statements from the Armenian side, and that the main task of the EU Mission EU presents itself as “protecting Armenia from Azerbaijan”, thus undermining the normalization process. In this context, the Armenian side is abusing the presence of the EU Mission.

Furthermore, the campaign aimed at the militarization of Armenia, known throughout the world for its policy of aggression, almost 30 years of military aggression against Azerbaijan and new promises of increased military supplies (including lethal and offensive weapons), is a threat. for the national security of Azerbaijan. The justification of this process by the press secretary of the European Union is a cause for concern.

Armenia, which does not give up its territorial claims against its neighbors, does not end its policy of mass militarization, including the acquisition of strategic offensive weapons, can be seen as an attempt to create more tension in the region.

Azerbaijan supports sustainable peace, stability and security in the region based on the basic norms and principles of international law. “It is necessary to decisively prevent measures that threaten peace,” the statement states.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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