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Lawyers ask the government to negotiate a gateway to RETA and decent pensions

Some 10,000 justice professionals, according to data from the Government Delegation, took to the streets of Madrid this Saturday to demand a “fair” pass to the Special Regime for Independent Workers (RETA) which guarantees “decent pensions” to the group. .

Summoned by the National Association of Persons Concerned by the Legal Profession (Anama), they ask the ministry headed by Elma Saiz take this into account when negotiating what will happen to the quotas that these professionals will allocate to the Accumulated Fund once the deadline for all mutualists to join the RETA, set by the Government in 2027, has passed.

In this demonstration – at which more than 10,000 people gathered, according to the Government Delegation – the lawyers concerned by the mutual organized in Anama asked Social Security to find a solution that would allow them to have pensions at stake. they contributed. “We simply ask the State to welcome us and respect the Constitution”defended themselves and added that they considered “inadmissible a footbridge that falls below the RETA minimums”.

Likewise, they asked the government for its “responsibility” for “the neglect of the control of mutual societies which it had to do and which it never did”. Furthermore, they insisted that it was a matter of “rights” and They ask that what was contributed go to Social Security Because there are cases of lawyers who “will end up with 400 euros in pension, or even less”.

“The social security system of the lawyers’ mutual has failed and has not fulfilled its function, which is why we recommend legislating a gateway to the RETA so that the dignity of the lawyers’ group’s pensions is guaranteed,” says the vice president. president of Anama, Pilar Fernández.

Convert accumulated fund to years

Concretely, the lawyers concerned by the mutual propose to Social Security the conversion of the contributions that the mutualists have allocated to their pensions in the ‘Accumulated Fund’, once the portion intended for premiums has been deducted to pay for health insurance and other unforeseen events, in years contributed to the RETA.

This solution proposed by Anama is based on two reports – one economic and the other legal – prepared by the University of Valencia and Extremadura at the request of the association with the aim of guaranteeing a “sustainable” solution for the retirement system.

The reports highlight that the conversion of the accumulated fund into years of contributions to the RETA is “a sustainable alternative” because a table is proposed which allows you to know the number of months that must be recognized as contributions to obtain a pension for the minimum base of the RETA, depending on the amount of the Fund that is paid to Social Security.

The calculation takes into account the RETA conversion factor as well as the history of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) —from 1981 to 2023—. In addition, the approach considers the possibility of expanding the amount of contribution bases.

On the other hand, the proposal includes the development of an arbitration mechanism similar to that of pension plans to be able to make contributions liquid in the event of it being impossible to transfer the accumulated fund of all mutual members at the same time without creating A “risks of decapitalization in mutual societies”.

“It is a lasting solution both for public freedoms and for professionals.”they defend against Anama.

Likewise, they ask Social Security that the future solution takes into account “the entire group” and does not only concern cases of vulnerability.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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