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HomeBreaking NewsMedia: New Hezbollah leader announced

Media: New Hezbollah leader announced

Hassan Nasrullah, leader of Lebanese Hezbollah, is expected to be replaced by Seyyed Hashim Safiuddin.

Oku.Az “New York Times” reported on this.

According to information, Hashim Safiuddin was born in 1964 in Deir Qanun al-Nahr, southern Lebanon, into an influential Shiite family. He is a relative of Hasan Nasrullah, a senior Hezbollah official. He is the head of the movement’s executive council, is considered a dangerous international terrorist and is considered the “second number” of “Hezbollah.”

In 2017, the US State Department recognized him as a terrorist.

Until he was called to Lebanon, Hashim Safiuddin studied theology with Nasrullah in Najaf (Iraq) and Qum (Iran). In 1995, he was appointed a member of the movement’s highest body, the “Majlis al-Shura” (Consultative Assembly). Hashim Safiuddin was appointed head of the “Jihad Council”.

He is one of the three main leaders of Hezbollah; the other two are Hassan Nasrullah and Naim Qasim, who were killed by Israeli forces. In 2006, he was appointed as a possible successor to Hasan Nasrullah for the position of Secretary General.

In June 2020, his son Seyyed Reza Hashim Safiuddin married Zeynab Soleimani, daughter of former Quds Force commander Qasim Soleimani.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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