Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 2:53 am
HomeTop StoriesAUGC demands that 'unacceptable' error in Civil Guard access tests be investigated

AUGC demands that ‘unacceptable’ error in Civil Guard access tests be investigated

THE Unified Association of Civil Guards demanded an “immediate” investigation to clarify the labeling error on boxes which contained the opposition tests for admission to the Armed Institute and which forced cancel the second exam appointment this Sunday. He also stressed that “it is unacceptable” that errors of this type occur in a selection process “of such importance”.

AUGC demands immediate investigation due to an error in the labeling of one of the boxes received and sealed with the knowledge exams for the access tests to the Scale of Corporals and Guards of the Civil Guard”, wrote the association in its account X this Saturday after learning that the second series of tests will not take place tomorrow.

In the same message, he pointed out that the AUGC has been insisting for “years that the entrance exams be carried out on the same day”, an issue that, as he stated, the Civil Guard “has always rejected” .

The association has indicated that it considers that dividing the exam into two days “It is unfair for the opponent, since it leads to the establishment of two different exams“.

“Although they assure that the exams are carried out with similar difficulty, it seems to us that there is a certain inequality for candidates, when there is the possibility of taking the same exam on the same day”, as they l ’emphasized. .

To the tests which took place this Saturday and to those which should have been carried out tomorrow, Sunday, More than 26,000 candidates were called to fill 2,700 places.




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