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HomeTop StoriesSalmonellosis outbreak leaves at least 17 people affected in two hospitals in...

Salmonellosis outbreak leaves at least 17 people affected in two hospitals in Girona

An outbreak of salmonellosis in Figueres Hospitalin Girona and Bernat Jaume Intermediate Care Hospital from the same city touched 17 people between patients and health staffas reported by sources from the Ministry of Health.

Technicians from the Public Health Agency of Girona, in collaboration with the Salut Empordà Foundation, which manages both hospitals, are working followed by this outbreak detected on September 19.

The epidemic has been declared with ten people already affected

It was Tuesday the 24th, when there were already 10 people affected between health workers, kitchen professionals and patients, when the Foundation’s Occupational Health Unit declared the epidemic to the Epidemiological Surveillance Service.

Affected people experience symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and fever. In the case of the intermediate care hospital, which cares for elderly people, these are in addition to other underlying illnesses.

The Public Health Agency of Catalonia accepted “immediately” preventive measures to avoid new infectionsat the same time as he was actively researching cases with the help of the Foundation.

The investigation is still active

Although no new cases are expected today, the investigation into the origin of the epidemic remains active. Symptoms of the disease last between two and seven daysand it all started a week and a half ago.

Salmonellosis is one of the diseases of most common foodborne transmission. It is produced by the bacteria Salmonella, which lives in the intestines of animals and humans and is usually contracted by eating foods contaminated with these microorganisms.




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