Home Entertainment News Cadreita will adapt the Camino de la Vera Cruz with an investment...

Cadreita will adapt the Camino de la Vera Cruz with an investment of more than 100,000 euros

Cadreita will adapt the Camino de la Vera Cruz with an investment of more than 100,000 euros

He Cadreita Town Hall will carry out the adaptation and signage of the Camino de la Vera Cruz, with the aim of improving road safety for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as how to promote the bond between Cadreita and the neighboring towns of Castejón, Milagro and Villafranca.

With a total investment of 102,396 euros, the project is part of a strategy for integrating the city into the region’s network of cycle paths, such as the “Green corridor of the Ebro: sustainable paradise”thus promoting rural development and tourism, and making it compatible with the conservation of the natural and cultural environment.

This performance, presented by the Cadreita Town Hall in the call for grants aimed at developing the equipment and development of cycle paths, obtained aid of 81,917 euros, financed by the European Union through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan – The next generation EU.

The mayor, Berta Pejenaute, highlighted the importance of this project for the city, emphasizing that “the adaptation of the Camino de la Vera Cruz “Not only will this improve the mobility and safety of those traveling in the region, but it will also continue to position Cadreita as an attractive destination for sustainable tourism.”

The project envisages the adaptation of almost 30,000 square meters, throughout the route, which will include surfacing and compaction with artificial gravel. In addition, signage elements such as markers, information posts and paint markers will be installed to facilitate the orientation of users throughout the route.

As the mayor explained, one of the main objectives is to make the development of tourist activity compatible with the conservation of the natural and cultural resources of the environment. “We want to offer locals and visitors an itinerary that follows traditional routes as much as possible and that combine the beauty of our landscapes to discover our cultural heritage, while respecting the environment as much as possible”, declared Pejenaute.

Furthermore, he stressed that “once again, the Town Hall was able to obtain external financing for an investment, as in the case of the Day Centergenerating activity and new resources and minimizing expenses for the coffers of the inhabitants of Cadreita.


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