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The Government of Navarra creates the “Ramón y Cajal-Petilla de Aragón” scholarships for research in AI applied to neuroscience

THE Minister of University, Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Government of Navarra, Patricia Fanloannounced this Saturday the creation of five new research grants by the Government of Navarra, called ‘Ramón y Cajal-Petilla de Aragónfor the research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) applied to neuroscience.

The event took place at Petilla de Aragón, birthplace of Santiago Ramón y Cajal, as part of a day to return tribute to the legacy of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicineconsidered the father of modern neuroscience.

The event was attended by the mayor of the city, Florentino Aguas, and representatives of the municipalities of Corteno (Italy) and Luarca (Asturias), twinned with Petilla de Aragón.

The day also included a visit to the doctor’s house museum and a lecture given by Ana Purasdoctor specialized in Pathological Anatomy, under the title “Santiago Ramón y Cajal: passion for excellence”.

During her speech, Councilor Fanlo emphasized that “the main objective of creating these scholarships is promote research in artificial intelligence (AI) applied to neurosciencea strategic area for the technological future of Navarre”.

The help, with an amount of 2,000 euros eachare aimed at people with higher education qualifications who are developing projects in this area during the year 2024.

The advisor emphasized that “These scholarships represent our commitment to the technological forefront and seek to facilitate the application of artificial intelligence in the public and private sectors.

Likewise, Fanlo pointed out that Beneficiaries must have a link to Navarresince the funds must be allocated to projects associated with research centers linked to SINAI (Navarré R&D&I System).

THE selected projects They can range from processing neuroimaging data to developing brain-computer interfaces, among other areas. The call for scholarships is now open and applications must be submitted electronically through the Navarra Government portal.

THE The granting of aid will be carried out through a call for tender evaluating aspects such as the scientific quality of projects and the technical-scientific capacity of researchers.

With this initiative, andThe Government of Navarra seeks “not only to promote scientific talent in the territory, but also to highlight the legacy of Ramón y Cajal”which in the words of Councilor Fanlo, “represents an example of vocation, scientific talent and the need to transfer knowledge to society”.

In addition, he highlighted “the commitment of the Provincial Administration in promoting scientific vocations, particularly among young people and women”, through programs such as Planeta STEM and the Women, Science and Technology Chair, in collaboration with the Public University of Navarra (UPNA).

Likewise, during his speech, Fanlo highlighted the relevance of the Nobel legacy in current scientific research“a legacy that the Government of Navarra seeks to perpetuate through these new scholarships and other initiatives, such as the publication of the book “Ramón y Cajal, talent and will”, a collective work published last year by the Executive for highlight the importance of his legacy after the commemoration, in 2022, of the 170th anniversary of the scientist’s birth in Petilla de Aragón”.

For his part, Mayor Florentino Aguas emphasized that “these scholarships were created with a clear objective: promote talent and research in Navarre“. “Our youth must have the necessary tools to explore, investigate and be able to contribute to the progress of our society. Knowledge is the basis on which the future is built, and no young person with potential can be left behind for lack of resources,” he said.

Aguas also highlighted that “Petilla is proud to be the birthplace and preserve the house currently museum of S.antiago Ramón y Cajal, doctor and scientist specializing in histology and pathological anatomy, who shared the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1906 with Camillo Golgi for his work on the structure of the nervous system, for which he is recognized worldwide as the father of neuroscience.

“In addition to Nobel Prize winner, has multiple international recognitions“, because thanks to their work it is possible to develop neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence, being a reference in science and values ​​for the world”, he emphasized.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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