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The first charity race of the Civil Guard in favor of ALS patients arrives in Cizur Menor: how to register

The next October 6Navarra will host an event that combines sport and solidarity in a very special way. THE Civil Guard of Navarre organized his first charity runwhose main objective is to raise funds for people affected by Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)a neurodegenerative disease that affects thousands of people worldwide.

On this occasion, the funds will be donated to the Navarra Association of ALS Patients (ANELA)which actively works to support patients and their families in the region.

This event aims not only to mobilize citizens through sport, but also to raise awareness on this disease, which claims new victims every year and for which, unfortunately, there is still no cure.

THE Civil Guard decided to use its platform to support this noble cause, by organizing a sporting event in Little Cizur it promises to be both familiar and supportive.

An event for everyone: running, walking and much more

The October 6 event will not be limited to runners alone. An event has been designed Understood and accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels.

There will be a 5 kilometer main race for those who wish to challenge themselves in a sporting competition, but a 5 kilometers on footallowing families and individuals who prefer a slower pace to participate and enjoy the event as well.

In addition, for the little ones, there will be children’s races ranging from 800 metersto encourage the participation of boys and girls in the event, and to involve the whole community in this charitable cause.

The importance of making ALS visible

THE Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis It is a progressive disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, leading to a progressive loss of the ability to move, speak and breathe.

ALS patients require a high level of care, and families often face major physical, emotional and economic challenges to deal with illness.

This is why events like this race are essential not only to raise funds, but also to give visibility to a disease that still requires a lot of research and social support.

THE Navarra Association of ALS Patients (ANELA)beneficiary of the funds raised, is dedicated to providing resources, psychological support and accompaniment to patients and their families in Navarre. In addition, it promotes initiatives that help improve the quality of life of those affected and their caregivers.

The collaboration of Cizur Menor

He Cendea de Cizur Town Hall and the Cizur Menor Council played a key role in organizing this event. Both institutions have demonstrated their commitment to community by working closely with the Civil Guard so that the race takes place in the best conditions.

Rafael Ansomayor of Cendea de Cizur, and Luis Uncetapresident of the Menor de Cizur Council, highlighted the importance of this type of initiatives, not only for the direct benefit they generate for the people who need them, but also for the opportunity they offer to the neighbors of come together around a common cause.

How to register?

If you would like to participate in this solidarity event and support ALS patients, you can register easily through link provided by the organizers.

Registration costs 10 euros for adultswhile families can opt for a special pack up to 10 people for a cost of 50 euros. The registration price includes a commemorative t-shirt and a bag with promotional products.

This type of financial contribution not only ensures that participants can enjoy the event, but also directly contributes to the projects to support ALS patients produced by ANELA.

Additionally, for those who cannot attend but would like to collaborate, it is possible to make a donation via the same registration page.

A day to enjoy with the family

The Cizur Menor solidarity race will also have a open day organized by the Civil Guardwhich will include activities aimed at little ones. This will be a unique opportunity for families to enjoy a leisure day while supporting a very important charitable cause.

In addition, the participation of personalities from Navarrese society is expected, such as the former footballer and coach Juan Carlos Unzuewho became a leader in the fight against ALS after going public with his own battle with the disease. Unzué showed his support for the race and encourages all citizens to join at the event.

An event that combines sport and solidarity

The Civil Guard of Navarre wanted to underline its commitment to solidarity and with the social causes that affect the Navarrese community. In a year in which festivities of the Virgin of the Pillar marks an important date for the Civil Guard, this event adds as an opportunity to help those who need it mostwhile encouraging active participation in the community life.

This first Civil Guard solidarity race promises to be an unforgettable day, where sport, solidarity and community will come together in favor of a cause as important as the fight against ALS.

Event Details:

  • Date: October 6
  • Place: Minor Cizur
  • Terms:
    • 5k run
    • 5km on foot
    • Children’s races from 800 meters
  • Price:
    • 10 euros for adults
    • Family pack: 50 euros (up to 10 people)
  • Registrations: Via the link activated by the organization
  • Open day of the Civil Guard with activities for children

With this initiative, the Civil Guard of Navarre invites all citizens to participate and contribute their grain of sand in the fight against ALS, demonstrating once again the power of sport and solidarity.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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