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Emergency services do not expect to recover the bodies of the 54 missing from the El Hierro cayuco for 3 days

After leaving Nouadhibou, Mauritania, six days ago, a canoe carrying ninety people He was located arriving at the island of El Hierro. 27 of the migrants managed to escape, four of them are minorsnine died and 54 were missing. Emergency crews said they did not expect to recover any more bodies for three days, when they floatreported the president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo.

“Everything seems to indicate that It is unlikely that we will be able to rescue more bodies in the next few hours.“The work continues on the ground, but we will have to wait two or three days for them to appear,” said the president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo.

The canoe was at one o’clock in the morning Saturday, when 112 people received a distress call from a boat in which they said there were a total of 84 passengers, a number that later increased to ninety. According to the government delegate to the Canary Islands, Anselmo Pestana, they had been deprived of food and water for two days and had to drink sea water.

The shipwreck with 9 dead and 48 missing in El Hierro could be the biggest migratory tragedy to occur in the Canary Islands

The maritime guards came to his aid. Maritime rescue Concepción Arenal and that’s when it happened “the most critical moment”when the desperate migrants capsized the canoe, as survivors reported.

The spokesperson for the Popular Group at the Congress of Deputies, Miguel Telladoduring his visit to Melilla, said that he knew that there was a desire to seek solutions from the Ministers of Children and Territorial Policy, respectively Sira Rego and Ángel Víctor Torres, but that ” the economic commitment” of the government of Spain is lacking.

The president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo (i), and the vice president, Manuel Domínguez (d), this Saturday, during a press conference in Santa Cruz de Tenerife after a meeting on the occasion of the sinking of a canoe on the coast of El Fer.


“Probably María Jesús Montero is more worried responding to requests, requests and requests of the independence movement only in solving the problems of our country”, criticized Tellado in statements to journalists in which he accused the Minister of Finance of “absolute lack of solidarity”.

He also criticized the entire Spanish government for what he considers “maximum irresponsibility and incompetence” in the face of “outstretched hand” of the PP on this issue to seek agreement on immigration policy.

In this sense, he recalled the proposal presented on August 12 by the president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, supported by the PP, to seek a solution for the joint care of unaccompanied foreign minors and which connects the 12 communities and two autonomous cities governed by the people.

The proposal, according to Tellado, requires that the government provide the necessary resources and that there be interterritorial solidarity to “stand alongside the Canarian Government in the care of minors who must be protected and cared for upon their arrival in Spain”.

Faced with this, the spokesperson for the PP in Congress regretted that there was “an absolute absence of immigration policy” by the Executive Spanish, which certain territories “are already suffering the consequences of”, among which he cited the Canary Islands, with a situation “particularly aggravated” by “a migratory avalanche”.




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