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Not giving an opinion is giving an opinion

Mexico excluded the Spanish head of state from the invitation to the inauguration of its new president. Even casually considering or debating the supposed reasons or arguing their error is already within their scope. You don’t have to enter it

Intellectual autonomy unintentionally leads to heterodoxy"

Edgar Morin

Distractive tactics are so gross that even mentioning them or dwelling on them is a sign of mental stupidity. The imperative of freedom is to prevent them from setting your agenda and that of your thoughts. It’s the one thing everyone tries all the time; the political strategy par excellence since they have no other and are not interested in having it. “Reality hides behind our realities”, writes the philosopher Edgar Morin in his little book “Lessons from a Century of Life” to which I devoted a few hours this week, because it is worth it and because it is my rebellion when I am forced to resort to absurdities that only want to distract or provoke. No distractions or heading to enter.

I insist that this is what they served us all week. Mexico excluded the Spanish head of state from the invitation to the inauguration of its new president. Even casually considering or debating the supposed reasons or arguing their error is already within their scope. You don’t have to enter it. This is an approach carried out by Mexican leaders internally, which is gratuitous, as they continue to make decisions extremely dangerous for freedoms and continue without solving the serious problems of a country in the abyss failed narco-states. The reform they approved, according to which all judges in the country will be elected by popular vote, is the best possible way to control the Third Estate, break down the separation of powers, increase political control and end to legal certainty.

It is populist folly to think that any law graduate with five years of experience can be promoted to judge by voters. Who will pay for their campaigns or who will organize them? Without a campaign, who will citizens elect if they don’t know who the party is telling them? If the accusations end and re-election is possible, what will the judges decide: what is fair or what makes them more popular? How will five people elected by popular vote review judicial procedures in a disciplinary manner? Neither immobility, nor independence, nor impartiality are therefore possible. With this anti-democratic drift, with the unbearable insecurity, with unpunished feminicides, did the problem arise five centuries ago? To quote another bull with this rag.

It’s even lazier to talk about the photos. They don’t bring anything. The use of public funds to deal with blackmail coming from the restless fly of the Head of State is known and those who embezzled them do not have to worry because everything is prescribed, not to mention the problems of proof. No one is in power yet. Is it uglier to see than to know? It depends on how your mind works. What neither photos nor knowledge are are key anti-monarchist arguments. Monarchy as a form of government can be attacked for reasons far more powerful than the sins of love or greed or even the possible crimes of any of its representatives. This would invalidate the individual but not the formula. The formula is neither good nor bad, neither rational nor irrational, because there are good or bad kings. Even a monarchy embodied by impeccable kings can be subject to the same rational criticism and some will find pragmatic defenses even after the death of criminal kings.

Feijóo and his compressed day. This is obviously not a proposal that follows the line of defense of work proposed by the unions. The fact is that he does not do it for a fact in itself but, obviously, within the framework of this strategy which involves being sensitive to the social agenda, the same reason why he promotes a law of conciliation and d Other issues he talked about in the last few days. To evaluate its content is to make a mistake once again because what the leader of the PP intends to do is row towards the center and the center left in an attempt to scrape the dissatisfied votes from the list to the left of the PSOE. He knows he needs to grow and thinks he still has something to catch in that direction. Don’t worry anymore.

Oh and Garamendi and his idea of ​​receiving the gross salary! Obviously, there is no point in debating it either because it is an absurdity which only aims to install the mental framework of its constituents in the people, as other neocapitalist leaders have already done. It is obvious that withholding taxes fulfill the objective of alleviating the pain of tax, that is, making it more bearable to fulfill obligations given that what has not been delivered to you has never been available to you (which is why many hurt when they have been under-retained and have to pay). What the Ladino is saying is that if people felt the Treasury’s grip directly in their flesh once a year, instead of lightly scratching their nails every month, they would be more willing to support what their bosses want for them. Is it worth talking about?

Alvise’s stuff is very good and was predictable. Alvise is a outsider but above all a formidable face. He campaigned on the fact that he was seeking parliamentary immunity, so it exists and will have to be removed. It is a subject of supplication and condemnation because, needless to say, it disturbs and disturbs almost everyone and, therefore, they will not take advantage of the slightest movement to try to protect it. His absurd story can do nothing against the ropones. Justice will seize him by the heel and take him home.

And on budgets and spending limits. All week it has been whispered in Madrid that the negotiations are going well, while on the other side it is clear that everything that is happening – commissions, declassifications – is nothing other than “the payments” no achieved by previous agreements. The truth is that it is another way of gaining time to reach those October congresses where the socialists, we do not know why, believe that Puigdemont could fall. There is no indication of this and wishing really hard usually doesn’t work except in magical thinking. It might be fun to talk about, but we’ll just talk about poisoning. They entertain us, but they don’t have it.

Finally, I gave my opinion by not giving an opinion, it’s the chronicler’s cross.

“The sleepwalking unconsciousness typical of the times which precede and prepare for historical disasters. » Allow me to continue with Morin, once my appointment is over.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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