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The poor who lick the boot of their executioner

Most of those who make this speech against taxes and the state would cry out for help and would not survive even a few days in a system without a strong state to provide them with security and basic services. Believe me, daddy’s boys, you wouldn’t want to live in a country where the working class could kick you out of your homes and you couldn’t run for state protection.

The official information from the first six months of Milei gave a clear-sighted result on the situation of the most vulnerable and popular classes with a government which advocates the drastic reduction of the State. In six months, Javier Milei’s policies of elimination of public services, reduction of aid and presence of the State to support the lives of the most deprived have increased poverty by 11 points, placing it at the level of the terrible crisis from 2001. . In just six months. You don’t want to imagine what a country would become in which these policies were implemented for a decade.

In Spain, something unites Antonio Garamendi and Alvise and it is the same speech as Javier Milei, who advocates the drastic reduction of taxes and public services to be able to live better at the expense of the sacrifice of those who have the least. This is what lies behind the discourse against the need to pay taxes and have a state providing basic services guaranteeing the welfare state. It is understandable that those who could live better without paying anything at the expense of others who suffer advocate an unequal system without progressive taxes, but it is not so understandable that those who will suffer the most defend it and harass and attack those of us who defend solidarity for those who have less. It’s okay, it’s your decision, eat it with your bread.

At this stage, I am not going to waste another minute being didactic or educational, I am not going to say that we must understand the members of the working classes who defend the discourse of a minimal State and the abolition of taxes because that we must dissuade and convince them. Let them go to hell. There, they are harmful to social well-being and enemies of progress. I hope they find themselves in a situation they have never been in and have to try to survive on their own resources in order to understand the need for strong public services. We must respect the poor people who lick the boot of their executioner for their paraphilia.

The discourse against the State and taxes is that which is usually promoted by those who want to attract the unwary to defraud them. In an article in Cinco Días about the financial bar that paid Alvise 100,000 euros in cash so that he could promote his business and then favor it through legislation, a brilliant paragraph explains how this discourse of treason works: “ Madeira continued to operate after the official warning for more than a year and a half. He raised the stakes and, far from being intimidated, Romillo himself alluded, in a video on social networks, to the “sons of bitches of the CNMV”, in his speech full of attacks against the State , taxes and civil servants. Consistent, in substance and in form, with that of Alvise Pérez himself, and this could help to attract customers who, if they had listened to the “sons of bitches”, would have several thousand euros more into their bank account.

Daddy’s kids who shout against the state deserve a separate paragraph. It’s time to make the case for voluntary tax exemption. Promote that everyone who does not want to pay taxes does not pay a single additional tax, rate or tribute in exchange for the fact that public administrations do not provide them with a single additional service for free and are charged on demand. No more paying taxes, finally fiscal and financial freedom, but without using a single additional public resource without passing the corresponding bill. Neither health, nor education, nor security, nor justice, nor infrastructure, nor waste. Nothing. That each kilometer traveled by car on the roads be billed at the detailed price, that if they suffer an accident on public roads, they will be charged the costs of police, attention and cleaning. All. Never again will a public service be financed with tax money for those who refuse to contribute. This is what they want, so let it be provided to them. Because in reality that is not what they want, what they want is not to pay taxes but to continue using public services and state resources as they currently benefit from them , but being paid by others. Most of those who make this speech against taxes and the state would cry out for help and would not survive even a few days in a system without a strong state to provide them with security and basic services. Believe me, daddy’s boys, you wouldn’t want to live in a country where the working class could force you out of your homes without you being able to run for state protection.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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