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HomeLatest Newsa very easy route to a fantastic waterfall

a very easy route to a fantastic waterfall

If you like it hiking but you are looking for one simple route may surprise you, this path which leads you towards an authentic jewel of Aragon It’s perfect for you. The path takes you through dreamlike landscapes to a magnificent cascade it seems taken from a story. Furthermore, it should be noted that this route is ideal for all levels. Do you want to know what it is?

Road to the Confessional Waterfall

The province of Huesca in the autonomous community of Aragon is the ideal place to be surprised by nature. Inside heart of Sobrarbe is the road to Confessional stunt. It is a very easy trail of approximately 6 kilometers of route and an estimated duration of 2:15 a.m.

This trail can start from the parking lot of the Swimming pools in San Martin. To access it, you can access from Boltana take the road to Sum then towards San Martin County. Near the parking lot there is a route that will take you to the Sieste River, also known in this section as the Barranco de San Martín, which you will have to cross before reaching the first pools.

This route can be done three ways: as a return route, using the section that passes mid-slope or combining the two options. He circular route It is the one that combines the two previous alternatives and is the one described in this article.

Circular path to the Confessional Waterfall

A few minutes after the start, you will see the Swimming pools in San Martina succession of approximately 4 or 5 pools that the flow of water has eroded onto the rocky substrate. In summer, it is common for families to accompany the little ones to enjoy it. You have to be careful in this area because there is usually very slippery parts. If you want to avoid this section, you can take the path that goes down halfway.

After crossing these natural pools, you will go up to the river. There you will find a junction which offers you two options to get to the waterfall: take a path or follow the river. If you opted for the circular route You will go up the path then go down the river. This is the longest and steepest option.

Along the way you will reach the Predicadera Forest and from the edge of a cliff you will see the Sieste River in the distance. Then you will begin a rapid descent. After that you will have reached the Barranco Fondo canal and once there you will have to take the path towards Campodarbe. Later you will again take a slippery path and then you will reach the Confessional stunt.

Once you have visited and enjoyed this waterfall, the trail along the riverbed is undone. Then you can see another waterfall that leads to what is called Chinchirigoy swimming pool. To return to the starting point you will have to follow the course of the river where you will find the Swallows Cave. If you continue walking you will reach the section of Martin’s swimming pools which you will need to follow to return to the car park.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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