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HomeBreaking News“There are things that surprise us a lot”

“There are things that surprise us a lot”

The divorce between PP and Vox within the government of Aragon is already weighing heavily on the votes of former members of Aljafería and Plaza del Pilar. Two months have passed since Alejandro Nolasco completed the break due to the immigration crisis on the orders of Santiago Abascal. Since then, popular and singers They stood out on issues as diverse as the rejection of the imposition of Catalan, immigration or the tax agreement for Catalonia.

What until now is just an anecdote could become a real headache for the governments of Jorge Azcón and Natalia Chueca, who need Abascal’s training to move forward with their budgets. At this point, What can we expect in the coming months?

Despite the obvious change in tone, the People’s Party emphasizes that so far it has not lost any votes in Parliament. “We each have our positions and it must be noted,” explains one of the party members. If there’s anything we don’t like, it’s Nolasco’s “overactivity.”

This was especially seen in the plenary session of the middle of this month, and although in the latter they saw it “calmer”, they believe that in life forms are essential. For example, President Azcón’s appeal to the former Aragonese vice-president for having “imitated” Juanma Moreno’s “deje”.

The voxistas say they have reason to be angry. They do not understand that the PP voted against their proposal to reject the imposition of Catalan, raised alone even before leaving the government. For this “no”, they accused Jorge Azcón’s people of lying to their voters and of not respecting their electoral program. But from the PP it was clear that It doesn’t matter – the priority now is funding – and that, despite Vox’s efforts, “the government pact spoke of the law on languages ​​and not the law on Aragonese cultural heritage”.

The options

In this environment, what will happen to budgets? The left assumes that Abascal will remain in the “no” and that Azcón will end up extending the accounts for 2024. Some even see the possibility of early elections, a possibility that CHA spokesperson José Luis Soro highlighted during the last plenary session.

However, the popular people plan to fight. In this sense, they recall that the 2024 budgets were supported by four parties (they added Vox, Aragón-Teruel Existen and PAR) and that the idea ands keep “the same basic lines”, with a “commitment to health and education”. However, it remains to be seen what Alberto Izquierdo and Tomás Guitarte will do this year, when the time comes. “We will not give up our efforts. We will try to resolve the process through work, meetings and dialogue,” say the members of the parliamentary group.

All eyes are also on the Plaza del Pilar. In the city council they are clear that Julio Calvo is not Alejandro Nolasco, but they fear that Madrid will end up imposing their criteria. With the tax ordinances, an agreement could soon be reached. The voxistas demanded that the surplus value be reduced by two points andA priori, the PP would be ready to give in.

His advisers insist that the loss of income would amount to “barely” two million euros and that it is only in projects like Huerva that the Town Hall has already made similar savings thanks to the appeal of offers. From the PP, they intend to maintain the “inherited tone” of the last mandate and the confidence by being able to disagree “without breaking anything”.
“You have to do what is within your reach and give everything. With what is outside, there is little to do”, summarizes one of the Corporation’s advisors, who would find it “incomprehensible” that Vox ends up vote with the PSOE and ZEC just for opposing the PP.

The divide between PP and Vox was seen with particular clarity during the plenary session of the City Council this Thursday. Julio Calvo’s men found themselves alone on three occasions. “There are things that surprise us a lot, like Chueca saying that he is going to seek an agreement with the mayors of the PP against the financing of Catalonia and then vote against,” says one of the councilors, who admits a certain “perplexity” in the face of the popular attitude during the last sessions.

However, the voxistas say they feel “freer” to do their opposition work. So far, they have only had “preliminary contacts with the budget”, although they are “willing to negotiate”. As usual, they will influence street reform and support for industrial zones. “We will not ask for big, crazy things,” they say from the training, but it remains to be seen if, this time, Madrid will prevail and shake up the Aragonese political council.




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