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HomeLatest NewsThe National Energy Commission will cost us 40 million per year

The National Energy Commission will cost us 40 million per year

THE National Energy Commission (CNE)an organization that the government wishes to create at the request of the Therese Ribera for the regulation and competition of the energy sector (which are now the responsibility of the CNMCNational Markets and Competition Commission), will have ordinary operating expenses of up to 41.62 million euros by 2025.

The specific figure is derived from economic memory of the bill sent to Congress which provides for the creation of this body. Of course, these nearly 42 million euros constitute an approximation that the Executive makes to take into account an estimate of the budgetary impact for years to come.

Most of the cost is in the personnel costswhich amount to 19.22 million euros. Concretely, the Executive estimates that there will be a cost of just over five million euros for civil servants; approximately 8.9 million employees and 617,540 euros in management positions. As OKDIARIO announced, Tyou are Ribera and her husband want to place their protégé at the head of the CNE Maria Jesus Martin.

The total operating expenses do not include the amounts of transfers to the electricity sector, since, according to the bill, they do not constitute an operating expense as such nor is there any variation in their amount due to the reestablishment of the National Energy Commission. However, the sector fears that the new CNE will lead to an increase in government interventionism, as this newspaper also reports.

Future expenses will be reduced

Of course, the government indicates that the nearly 42 million expenses could be decrease successive years, since part of the allocation is explained by the need to achieve investments in the early years due to the reintegration of the organization which was integrated into the CNMC, in particular to equip itself with an adequate and independent IT infrastructure.

This expenditure estimate may also be revised downwards to the extent that it is achieved. agreements with the CNMC for the joint provision of certain services susceptible to such shared management, in particular current expenditure. In addition, the government emphasizes that the reduction in corresponding expenditure by the CNMC in the coming years will have to be taken into account when the said agreements are finalized.

In this sense, the Executive indicates that part of the expenses of the future organization are a “simple translation» from one organization to another, such as contributions to international organizations in the field of energy, expenses linked to the management of electricity sector revenues, procedural costs linked to electricity sector resources, or even expenses of staff.

Likewise, the government claims that the organization’s operating expenses would be partially covered by the prices gaseous hydrocarbons, liquid hydrocarbons and the electricity sector, which would bring in revenues of around 27 million euros.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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