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Ester Muñoz argues that the PP will present a “serious and rigorous” housing law in the face of the “failure” of that of the PSOE

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The national deputy of the PP and president of the party in León, Ester Muñoz, announced that in the coming weeks the Popular Party would present a law on housing, in the face of the “total failure” of the PSOE strategy.

“It is no coincidence that today the second problem in the country is that of housing, after six years of extreme leftism by the PSOE and its partners. Price controls have never solved anything, it is a lesson that history has given us and that the PP cannot support,” he said.

In this sense, Muñoz said that access to housing is one of the biggest problems of young people in Spain, a problem that, according to her, the PP wants to solve with this law.

In addition, he criticized the Sánchez government for “its support for occupations, measures that strangle the market and attacks on small owners and all measures that can benefit housing.”

For all this, “we will present a serious and rigorous law,” he added.

Ester Muñoz also defended today the need to consolidate a welfare state in Spain with the conciliation law that the Popular Party presented this week to the Congress of Deputies.

He did so during his participation in the San Froilán festivities in León, where he stressed that it is “essential to ensure that everyone who wants to be parents can become one without having to become heroes.”

It should be remembered that the rule presented by the PP aims to recover “something that the PSOE withdrew”, namely the 45% bonus for the hiring of caregivers in all large families.

In addition, it proposes a 26-week permit for single-parent families and “something that seems very important to us, that is, bringing to all of Spain what is already being done in all the communities of the PP, to namely the free children’s cycle from 0 to 3 years old,” he added.




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