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HomeLatest NewsSAS “budgetary shortfalls” force more than 600 million euros to change destination

SAS “budgetary shortfalls” force more than 600 million euros to change destination

The Board of Directors of Junta of Andalusia agreed to change the destination of 624.2 million euros in the budget of Andalusian health service (SAS) since this agency needed to “cover anticipated budget deficits”, in the words of the general director of management and economic services of this organization, Jose Antonio Miranda.

The largest budget deficit to fill, 200 million, or a third of the total, concerns the salaries of temporary civil servant and statutory staff.

This budgetary operation which validated the Board of Directors during its session on the 17th of this month represents the third transfer of credit for SAS personnel costs, which total in total 1,019.49 million between the last 624.2 transferred and the 142.76 million and the 252.53 which were carried out in June.

In June this year, the Governing Council authorized these last two transfers. The first, of 142.76 million, was carried out to respect an agreement of the collegiate body of April 21 for the increase in staff of statutory staff out of 2,382 staff, of which 2,177 positions were given priority, including 344 zone specialist doctors (FEA) and 440 other family doctors.

The second, of 252.53 million, was carried out to “budgetarily cover the insufficiencies which appear in different expenditure groups until the month of August”, among which were statutory temporary staff and substitute staff, for example , according to the file sent. by the Board of Governors, the SAS recorded a deficit of 159.8 million in the first case and a further 92.7 million in the second.

Distribution of millions

Among the 624.2 million authorized by the Governing Council, there are other concepts such as an additional 157.3 million to cover the salaries of staff replacementsfollowed by an additional 148.4 million for the additional day health personnel.

Ninety million euros will be devoted to Social security spending of the employing entity and 27.4 million for performance incentives for participation in special programs.

This “redistribution of personnel expenditure credits” in the SAS will be done with “the expenditure groups which are not in deficit”, according to the argumentation of the general director of economic management of the SAS.

These include “the productivity of central services and work, credits to other personnel and social benefitsremuneration of senior civil servants, budget model and changes in remuneration.

The expenditure that the SAS has planned for temporary staff for this year amounts to 118.5 million; for personnel replacement, 109.63 million; in Social Security, 55.53 million; in continuing care, 152.58 million; 118.52 million euros in remuneration of temporary staff for excess or accumulation of temporary tasks or programs; as well as 10.29 million for participation in special programs.

He planned personnel costs by the SAS in the health care program is 6,288.96 million.

Credit constitutions and generations

In addition to this transfer of credits between the accounting positions of the Andalusian Health Service itself, this agency also adds 131.7 million modifications to its budget for this year, according to data from the General intervention of the Junta de Andalucía consulted by Europa Press.

These 131 million come from 93.79 million credit incorporations and 37.99 million credit generations.

If the SAS accounts stood at 13,893.2 million at the start of the 2024 financial year, adding these 131.7 million, their total rises to 14,025 million, according to data up to July 31 recorded by the internal audit body of the Council.

Of this 131.7 million, 72.98 is for real investments, and another 44.3 million is for personnel costs, so the two items accounted for almost 90% of the increase in SAS.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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