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HomeTop StoriesTruck driver dies in accident with seven vehicles involved and nine injured...

Truck driver dies in accident with seven vehicles involved and nine injured in Lleida

Truck driver dies on the night of Saturday to Sunday, an accident at the entrance to the town of Lleida after a collision with seven vehicles, which also left nine injured: two in serious condition, one in less serious condition and six in serious condition minor.

After the multiple collisions, the truck He’s stuck against a residential building in Cos y Gayón street, as reported by Lleida City Hall in a press release.

Emergency services transferred the injured to the Arnau University Hospital in Vilanova, although none of them are in a critical situation.

The deputy mayor of Lleida and councilor for Security and Mobility, Cristina Morón, explained that the urban guard and the Mossos received this Saturday around 9 p.m. a notice indicating that it was an incident. A truck was driving erratically. from the motorway exit towards the entrance to the city of Lleida.

Officers are working to clarify the causes of the accident and it has been ruled out that the property affected by the truck suffered structural damage.




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