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The mayor announces that popular festivals will no longer take place in the Center and the Casco de Cordoba

The municipal government announced this Sunday that popular festivals would no longer take place in the downtown neighborhoods and historic center of Córdoba, after analyzing the situations that have arisen in recent weeks.

During the Local Government Council which will be held this Monday, the situation will be analyzed and measures will be proposed to prevent activities with music in the street from guaranteeing the coexistence in the streets in which they are celebrated and do not cause problems with neighbors.

From the Delegation of Festivals and traditions A program was promoted to revitalize popular festivals, a tradition that disappeared in the last decade, events that were recovered this year thanks to dialogue with neighbors and groups. Concretely, the city’s districts welcomed 21 this year popular festivals Thanks to this municipal program for the recovery of this party, which has allowed nine incorporations in different neighborhoods of the city, which were celebrated in the same area where the group that organized it is based.

The municipal government maintains that “parties cannot lead to concentrations around the alcohol in squares of the center and the historic center which represent a real harm to coexistence and respect for the rest of the neighbors.

The situations detected in recent weeks suggest that the festival celebration in this area of ​​the city, without prejudice to the parties that take place in other areas of the city where they do not generate problems of coexistence.

Christmas format

In addition, the Local Government Council will analyze the format that the celebrations will take with music that will be I will celebrate Christmas in the Center and Historic Center. The proposal that will be debated within the government and that will be transferred to the groups involved in the organization of Christmas events is that the activities end in the late afternoon, an initiative that will be discussed with neighbors and organizers.

The municipal government emphasizes that “the objective is to recover traditional festivals and works so that they do not lead to concentrations around alcohol or not but which generate too much hassle which affect the coexistence and rest of residents in certain areas of the center and the historic center.

The local police of Cordoba fined 17 young people last Saturday evening for consuming alcohol near the Columbus Square where the Verbena of MercyIn total, officers disciplined 32 people over the weekend, ABC city sources told ABC.

This weekend, two other festivals took place without incident in the Plaza de la Magdalena and the Alcázar Viejo. However, neighborhood associations La FuensecaSanta Marina and Orive released a statement this weekend in which they file a complaint public for these bottles and the concentration of young people, ensuring “that it seems that they will not be corrected, amid the general indignation not only due to the lack of adequate responses from our Town Hall but also due to the apparent promotion of scenarios that allow . This must stop. »

These associations launched a petition to urgent meeting of the Commission of Passages, where between the Administration (the mayor and the delegations and companies that he deems competent) the organizers of events (in particular the Peñas and the Brotherhoods) and the citizen movement (AAVV Federation, Central District Council and Citizen Movement Council) let’s discuss the analysis and solutions.

In this same press release, the neighborhood associations asked the mayor – with all institutional respect and recognition of the authority of our elected officials and the powers that assist him – for immediate relief from Fair Advisor Traditions of these functions, and in any case of their assignment “where it does the least harm”. It should be remembered that last weekend another party organized in Santa Marina resulted in 26 fines for drinking bottles and urinating in the street.

In the same vein, it should be remembered that the councilor for the celebrations, Julián Urbano, had to apologize last Monday in response to complaints from the neighborhood regarding the crowds gathered around the Church of Santa Marina and in the Plaza Conde de Priego who came to cut the road. road traffic. Urbano then assured that it would be deployed the largest police device according to the needs of future celebrations.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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