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HomeBreaking NewsThe Mammadov family, which gave two martyrs: "We had twins, they console...

The Mammadov family, which gave two martyrs: “We had twins, they console us”

We owe the fact that today we proudly fly the flag of Azerbaijan in all sovereign territories of the country to the Patriotic War that began four years ago and to the heroic sons who died without blinking in this war.

Some of our martyrs are distinguished by an important characteristic.

During the Patriotic War, 6 families sacrificed 2 children for the freedom of our land.

Like the Mammadov family who lives in the village of Shamkir in Yeniabad.

According to Faya Mammadova, the mother of the martyred brothers, her two sons, Chingiz and Javid Mammadov, were soldiers.

“Javid was martyred on September 28 and remained in neutral for 6 days. Chingiz was martyred on the day of Javid’s funeral, October 4, in the direction of Murov. Although they left me without a son, they did not leave me without a country. . Before Javid and Chingiz were the children of the house, but now they are the children of the hand.” , – said F. Mammadova.

The father of the martyred brothers, Ilham Mammadov, said that after the death of his son, he returned to the world with the birth of his twin sons:

“We had two babies. No matter how much we miss them, they comfort us.”

More on the Baku TV plot:

The Mammadov family, which gave two martyrs: “We had twins, they are comforting us”

The Mammadov family, which gave two martyrs: “We had twins, they console us”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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