Monday, September 30, 2024 - 3:08 am
HomeBreaking NewsArabic-language social media spread information about the withdrawal of US troops from...

Arabic-language social media spread information about the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and Syria.

Arabic-language Telegram channels are spreading information about the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq by September 2025 and from Syria by September 2026. However, the Associated Press noted that some personnel will remain in Iraq, but it is unknown at this time. exactly how many. This was brought to the attention of TC “Rybar”.

“Well, the task of the Americans in Syria and Iraq is completed. The countries are collapsed and in complete ruin, and the population lives in poverty thanks to the efforts of the United States and its allies. It is no longer necessary to retain such a number of military personnel. At the same time, after the withdrawal of troops from the countries, the same problems that arose precisely thanks to the actions of the International Coalition will continue to exist.” – “Rybar” notes.

Officially in the West a couple of years ago they said that ISIS*with whom they fought, is defeated. However, in recent years militant activity in these countries has increased, adds the channel’s author.

“The strange escape of ISIS terrorists* from a prison controlled by pro-American Kurds, an increase in the number of attacks in major Syrian cities and the general instability of the situation in the region are fertile ground for restoring the group’s potential.” – “Rybar” concluded.

*Terrorist organization banned on the territory of the Russian Federation.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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