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HomeTop StoriesKickl's far-right wins parliamentary elections in Austria, polls show

Kickl’s far-right wins parliamentary elections in Austria, polls show

The ultranationalist party FPÖfar-right and led by former Interior Minister Herbert Kickl, won the legislative elections in Austria for the first time this Sundayby obtaining 29.1% of the vote, according to the first projections based on real votes, ahead of the conservative ÖVP, which had 26.2%.

The ultra party gains thirteen points compared to its 2019 results, with its anti-immigration message and criticism of the measures taken by the current governmentconservatives and environmentalists, to control the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), which leads the outgoing executive, has lost eleven points since the last elections. According to this first calculation, based on the actual vote, the social-democratic SPÖ would be the third force, with 20.4% (-0.8). Also entering Parliament were the liberal Neos (8.8%) and Los Verdes (8.6%), who were the minority partner of the Popular Party in government and who lost more than five points compared to the last elections.




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