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PNV accuses PP of practicing a policy of “about-face”: “They are not going to intimidate us”

The PNV begins its political journey by confronting the Popular Party. “There is a policy of about-face and a policy of the shoe,” said Andoni Ortuzar, president of Euzkadi Buru Batzar (EBB), in reference to the clash between Miguel Tellado, popular spokesman in Congress, and his nationalist counterpart, Aitor, Tuesday, Esteban, because of the elections that took place at the end of July in Venezuela, whose result was not accepted by a large part of the international community. “He interfered with our position on Venezuela and our political action with a shanty. tone,” he said. Ortuzar on Tellado. He said that PNV voters would not understand that their party had blocked Pedro Sánchez’s request to appear in the Lower House to explain Spain’s position on the fraudulent elections organized by Nicolas Maduro. At the beginning of the week, the Popular Party made a series of requests to appear before the Permanent Deputation so that the Government would be forced to speak out and answer various questions. Among them, the Catalan quota granted to ERC in exchange for its support for the investiture of Salvador Illa or the position of the Executive on the Latin American country. The latter, which included an intervention by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, did not proceed to vote against the PNV. Aitor Esteban responded to Tellado by calling him “clumsy” and questioning the importance that the Popular Party gives to the conflict. “When Esteban hit him, he played the role of the victim. As he is a political about-face, he does not tolerate criticism well,” said Ortuzar, who came to Zarauz (Guipuzcoa) to explain the line that the party will follow next year. A clash that the leader of the EBB used to mark his distance from the popular, who criticized the nationalists for acting like a franchise of the PSOE, which, according to Tellado, would make them lose their identity. “Tellado is recent, but let it be clear that we do politics with material shoes. When we have to move forward firmly, we walk firmly, let’s make it known to the PP. “They are not going to intimidate us and they are not going to weaken us,” added the leader of the Peneuvista Executive. Internal renewal and postureThe party is about to begin a process of renewal that, according to Ortuzar, who has not confirmed his continuity, must go through “the project, the organization and the people”. In that order. “The reduction of My membership in the EBB is the last part of the process […] We need a strong PNV, with a revitalised organisation, that charts the course to achieve our national goals,” he proclaimed before a hundred activists. Some who, in recent times, have come up against the opposition of EH Bildu, which has continued to grow in all the elections that have taken place at regional, national and European level. That is why, beyond the messages with a national key, Ortuzar put the left of Aberzale in the same bag, also accusing it of “taking a walk in flip-flops”. “I would like to believe in the evolution of Bildu, but outwardly they align themselves with dictators and, in Euskadi, they are doing the same opposition as the PP with Sánchez”, said the Peneuvista about Arnaldo Otegi’s party. “They say one thing and practice the opposite. It seems like they always do it. They have changed their look. I tell them the same “Something that the PP will not understand. They will not make us move from where we are. Encourage the Lendakari,” he concluded, addressing the Lendakari, seated in the audience.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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