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HomeEntertainment NewsIn Bram, the united “government” left dreams of a social democratic spring

In Bram, the united “government” left dreams of a social democratic spring

The social democratic fashion week began around a giant cassoulet, on Saturday, September 28, in Bram, in the Aude countryside. At the invitation of Carole Delga, president (Socialist Party, PS) of the Occitania region, who wanted to show that this is not the end of the (white) Jews for this self-proclaimed left. ” responsible ” EITHER “of government”but rather the great resurrection, live, of a fashion phenomenon.

Thus, the best canvases of social democracy were paraded before just over 2,000 people during the fourth “Meeting of the Left.” Bernard Cazeneuve, dressed in an original dark red seasonal jacket, buttoned to the top and gold, was as stoic as ever despite not having been named Prime Minister. Raphaël Glucksmann, founder of Place Publique, was as bright-eyed as ever about his great political comeback, after weeks of media diet. François Hollande, arbiter of elegance given his status as former President of the Republic, was delighted to have once again been a deputy for Corrèze.

Also read the story | Article reserved for our subscribers. On the left, the very political summer of Raphaël Glucksmann, François Ruffin and François Hollande

Also present were: Karim Bouamrane, mayor (PS) of Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis), expected, for a time, to accede to Matignon, or even Patrick Kanner, president of the socialist group in the Senate, Benoît Payan, mayor (several on the left) of Marseille, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, mayor (PS) of Rouen, Michaël Delafosse, mayor (PS) of Montpellier…

Then all these little people will go on tour. The next show of force, they hope, will begin on Thursday in Saint-Ouen, from where Karim Bouamrane will launch his movement, La France humaine et fort, and then in La Réole (Gironde), on the weekend of October 6, where Raphaël Glucksmann intends to expand his party, Place Pública.

“A form of renewal”

We thought that the case was closed and archived, the social democrats definitely harassed, since the five-year mandate of François Hollande that disappointed a part of the left, particularly shocked by the adoption of the “labor” law or by the lively debates on the loss of nationality. Since, also, Anne Hidalgo’s 1.75% in the last presidential elections, the worst result in the history of the PS, the final explosion before annihilation.

But since Raphaël Gluckmann’s encouraging result in the European elections (13.8%, that is, 7.6 points more than in 2019), even eluded by the dissolution of the National Assembly proclaimed by Emmanuel Macron in June, social democracy seems have a much more advantageous advantage. profile. In Bram the mines radiated and that had nothing to do with the menu of the day. “There is a before and after of the European elections, analysis Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol. Before, social democracy was the past, the passive. There was a strategic hesitation, because the Nupes [Nouvelle Union populaire, écologique et sociale] He locked us in. Since the European elections there has been a kind of renewal of a modern left, of a left that acts, of a social democratic left that is once again uninhibited. This is a great advance. It’s good to make holograms. [référence à la technique qui a permis à Jean-Luc Mélenchon, lors de la dernière campagne présidentielle, de tenir plusieurs meetings en simultané], but that does not give work to the unemployed. »

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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