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HomeLatest Newsthe maximum amount of time you should sit in the bathroom

the maximum amount of time you should sit in the bathroom

There is a maximum time to take into account when sitting in the bathroom. A change in cycle that could end up being the one that helps us effectively improve our health. In short, going to the toilet should be a task that could end up being very routine, we cannot do anything that adapts to a series of elements that will accompany us these days. Today we are very aware of certain elements that have nothing to do with what would be usual.

Instead, what lies ahead is a significant cyclical shift that could end up being what makes the difference going forward. Going to the toilet is, ultimately, a health issue, we want to be fit and to achieve this we need to be very aware of what our habits are telling us. The time will come to start preparing to optimize even going to the toilet, something that will fully affect us in many ways and that can be fundamental. This, according to one expert, is the maximum amount of time you should sit in the bathroom.

Not 15 or 5 minutes

The odyssey of going to the bathroom in the morning Much of this depends on each person. We are faced with those days in which we have more time or in which we immerse ourselves with the arrival of a series of elements that perhaps we had not thought about or taken into account until now.

This ritual gives us time for reflection, for intimacy, but also gives free rein to a series of elements that we must begin to take into account. What can make us feel the best is this process that will fully immerse us in a new reality marked by time.

We can devote more or less time to this physiological need, which can also include a series of elements that will fully affect us. Going to the bathroom says a lot about our health, and it’s not just what we expel that can give us clues about what’s going on inside us.

Also abroad we can have clues that make us take into account what is going to happen. If we want to become healthier, we need to heed what the experts say about our health.

This is the maximum amount of time you should sit in the bathroom.

The maximum time you should sit in the bathroom these days, when we resort to the phone or a good book, changes over time. We need to start listening to the experts who can make a difference in every way. So now is the time to start thinking about this habit and how to make it healthier.

From the Washington Post: “In general, you don’t want to spend more than 10 minutes there on average,” said Dr. Roshini Raj, a gastroenterologist at NYU Langone and author of “Gut Renovation.” , a book on the digestive system. health. Although Raj acknowledged that, as with many things in medicine, there is no single answer, he highlighted three potential problems for worried poopers.

Continuing with the same explanation: “First, sitting for long periods of time can lead to hemorrhoids, sometimes swollen and painful veins in the anal area. Part of this is the toilet’s unique functional design.

“There’s a hole in the middle,” Raj said. “And then the anorectal area itself hangs a little lower than the part that’s supported: your thighs. Just because of that position, gravity makes everything hang a little bit, which puts pressure on the veins. “So even if you’re not putting in the effort, if you’re sitting there thinking about something else, doing something else, there’s a certain amount of pressure on your veins.”

More: “More subtly, there is also the risk that your body begins to ignore its own signals. Peristalsis is the name given to the gradual contractions that move stool through the intestine to the rectum. “But sitting on the toilet for long periods of time without doing anything can hinder this process.”

But worse could come with that extended bathroom time: “If you sit too long and don’t go to the bathroom, that kind of process really stops,” Raj said. “Your body may also begin to not recognize these signals, which can lead to constipation if you sit for long periods of time on the toilet without having a bowel movement.” This risk, Raj noted, is more likely to be one of several factors responsible for problems such as constipation, rather than the driving force. Then there’s the most obvious factor: bathrooms can be disgusting. Research shows that flushing a toilet can aerosolize pathogens and spread them to nearby surfaces. This could include your phone, if you place it on a sink next to the toilet, for example. But beyond aerosolized bacteria, poor hygiene presents risks. “I see a lot of people getting food poisoning or different things because they don’t have good hygiene practices in the bathroom,” Raj said. If you play video games or use your phone in the bathroom, you probably touch a lot of things you might not want on your device. “I just think, generally speaking, if you’re in the bathroom having a bowel movement or trying to have a bowel movement, you shouldn’t be using your fingers on anything else. “


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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