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Blue summer, red autumn

Inside PP They go from summer blue to autumn red like someone who changes the summer polo shirt for the winter coat with the obvious ease of someone who has all their clothes in the same drawer. For those who do not distinguish between colors and styles, autumn from spring and mid-season warmth, the time will come when the mixture of types will force them to make a crazy composition, combining what should never be combined. I’m talking about politics, not fashion.

In one of the worst electoral campaigns in recent Spanish history, the PP decided to give enthusiasm to some polls that did not offer it and to articulate a communication and marketing plan worthy of deserved. Of course, he put forward the one who best represents the abdication of ideas and the collusion with those who despise him because he belongs to the PP and hate him because he is not left, even if this the latter would be immediately refuted. by its carrier. The Smperian apostles of eternal amendment are still proud of the reddest blue summer we have ever seen.

The worst thing that a spokesperson representing an organization can have is not to be precisely the voice of the organization, that is, to defend those who support it, who, in the case of the PP, are its voters, the main shareholders of the party. brand of the organization. If between ETA and its victims you answer “neither”, between Israel and Hamas you answer “neither” and when faced with the choice between autocracy and freedom you affirm “neither”, or when between Sánchez and Abascal you decide, proudly, that your choice is not to be with anyone if you need to, you have a problem with the moral balance between good and evil, or a Stockholm syndrome as pronounced as it is impertinent in the exercise of public representation. The first examples serve to validate the eternal survival complex that has nestled in Genoa since Aznar He created the term center-reformist for not defending the liberal-conservative principles of a modern right.

In politics, moderation is not the antonym of firmness and calm is not synonymous with tolerance either. Equidistance is the refuge of cowards. Because there is no middle ground when choosing between terrorism and those who fight it, murderers and their victims, or the autocrat and those who defend freedom. From Feijoo has taken over the leadership of the People’s Party, we are witnessing an ongoing rhetorical balancing exercise so as not to offend those who will never vote right, at the cost of not telling them the truth about the ideas, actions and history of the left.

The latest statements by PP spokespersons show that to be left-wing, it is no longer necessary to vote for the PSOE and to be part of a federaloid clan of acronyms, additions, subtractions and communist divisions , but rather to show up in Genoa and announce that we are a friend of Sémper, a spokesperson who, with each declaration, comes close to singing the International than supporting a national project that first respects its voters, then articulates an alternative that does not involve buying the left’s broken product. What we see when listening to Galician and Basque, perhaps advised by the same social democracy that plunged the last Ciudadanos into incompetent murmurs, induces tranquility in Ferraz: not a bad word, not a good deed.

In the same way that handing over Spain to its enemies so that they hold power in ignominy is not accepting coexistence, but rather indignity, abandoning one’s principles – and one’s voters – to the left so that ‘They accept you and applaud you is not adopting temperance and moderation. , but cowardice. Someone tell Genoa that dealing with sanchism is not a plausible voting option, nor is tempered socialism a reliable destiny. By pleasing those who will never vote for you, you will lose those who have always voted for you.. To those who say that Spain does not have a social democratic party, I answer that it already has one.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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