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How is a president elected in the United States? This is the whole process of the presidential elections

November 5 are celebrated US presidential electionsin which the Plenary House of Representatives And a third of the Senate. This year, according to the general average of polls, the race is very close between the vice president of the United States, Kamala HarrisDemocratic candidate and former President of the United States Donald TrumpRepublican candidate, in an unprecedented year. United States President Joe Biden, initially a Democratic candidate, was forced to resign by major donors and leaders of the Democratic Party after his inabilities became evident, due to the cognitive deterioration evident in the June 27 debate against Trump. Biden announced his resignation on July 21, offering his support to his vice president Kamala Harris after an internal war within his party when he initially refused to leave. Subsequently, Trump suffered an attack on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania. On September 15, in Florida, on one of his golf courses, he was the victim of a second attack.

How is a president elected in the United States? The entire presidential election process is detailed below: What requirements must the candidate meet? What is the electoral college? Which states are important?

How is the president elected? Candidates register with the Federal Election Commission to run for president. They must then announce their intention to run for office.

Primaries and caucuses

Subsequently, the primary and the caucus between January and July within the parties to choose a candidate. Between July and September, both parties hold conventions.


This year, the conferences stood out because the Republican Party held in Milwaukee (Wisconsin) right after the attack on Trump in July, where his first public appearance took place after being shot in the head in July. The Republicans therefore showed great unity, unlike the war within the Democratic Party, where at that time Biden was pushed to resign. Then, in the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois HE crown to Kamala Harris during an evening initially dedicated to Biden. After forcing him out, the current president made a speech at that convention as his own. panegyric policyfraught with controversy as it was scheduled for the first day of the convention outside of prime time, as congressional leaders forced their way out of the race.


They generally take place between September and October. There is no written rule on the number of people. Traditionally, there are four: three presidential and one vice-presidential.

Presidential election days

November. Presidential elections take place on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

Inauguration (Presidential Inauguration Day). It is January 20.

What is the Electoral College?

The Electoral College is the means by which those who will be elected president and vice president of the United States are decided. He The Electoral College is a process, not a place. Here are the keys:

  • The founding fathers of the United States enshrined the Electoral College in the Constitution. The Electoral College process involves selecting electors, who then vote for president and vice president, and counting of electoral votes by Congress.
  • How many voters are there? In total, there are 538, the same number of seats as the House of Representatives.
  • After voting for president, the vote moves to a national recount. In 48 states and the capital Washington, the winner gets all the electoral votes in that state. This is the famous winner takes all. Maine and Nebraska distribute their voters according to a proportional system. A presidential candidate needs the votes of at least 270 voters, or more than half of all voters, to win the election.
  • How many voters are there in each state? A state’s number of electoral votes comes from the sum of each state’s senators (two) in the upper house. To this must be added the number of representatives in each state in the Lower House.which depends on the population recorded in the census. In total, there are 535 electors in the 50 states. The 23rd Amendment of 1961 granted three electors to the District of Columbia (the capital of Washington). Thus, the total number of voters amounts to 538. For example, Pennsylvania, a key state in these elections, has 19 electoral votes. Meanwhile, Texas has 40 and California has 54.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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