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Medical research that finds the key to protecting yourself from more than 200 diseases

THE physical inactivity It is one of the main risk factors for mortality from noncommunicable diseases. People who don’t exercise enough have a mortality risk from 20 percent to top 30 percent those who are sufficiently active.

But the truth is that not everyone can do sports continuously and almost daily, as recommended by medical companies.

The guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activityintense aa per week for general health. However, among the people who follow these recommendations, those with more experience between 20 and 30 minutes most days of the week than those who spend 5 or 6 days doing nothing, but one or two days with longer exercise sessions?

The researchers of the Massachusetts General Hospital in the United States discovered long ago that getting the recommended weekly amounts of physical activity can reduce the risk of a wide range of conditionshave now analyzed whether these benefits are the same whether exercise is concentrated on one or two days or distributed throughout the week.

The main conclusion is that people those who have difficulty Finding time to exercise during the work week can concentrate their moderate to vigorous physical activity on one or two days of the week or on weekends.

And the second is that this physical activity, which they define as the “weekend warrior”, can help protect against more 264 future diseases.

The guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity to intense per week for general health. The results, published in ‘Circulation’, indicate that if focused on a day or two, it is also worth it. Q

Therefore, if you want to benefit from the same advantages as train regularly (around 20 to 30 minutes minimum each week), researchers recommend doing two and a half hours of moderate to vigorous activity in a day or two, if spread out it is recommended to do at least half the time the first day.

“Here we show the possible benefits of physical activity weekend for the risk not only of cardiovascular disease, as we have demonstrated in the past, but also of future diseases that span the spectrum, from conditions such as chronic kidney disease to mood disorders and much more,” says co-lead author Shaan Khurshidfaculty member at the Demoulas Center for Cardiac Arrhythmias at Massachusetts General Hospital.

“We know that the Physical activity affects the risk of many diseases” says Khurshid, who with co-senior author Patrick Ellinor, interim chief of cardiology and co-director of the Corrigan Minehan Heart Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, and colleagues analyzed data from 89,573 people as part of the UK Biobank prospective study.

For research they used wrist accelerometers who recorded their total physical activity and time spent at different exercise intensities for a week. Participants’ physical activity patterns were categorized as weekend warriors, regular, or inactive, using the cutoff based on the guidelines of 150 minutes per week of physical activity moderate to vigorous.

Among the participants, the 33.7% were inactive (less than 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week), 42.2% were active weekend warriors (at least 150 minutes with at least half in 1 or 2 days) and 24.0% were active regularly (at least 150 minutes with most physical activities). exercise spread over several days).

Subsequently, the the team sought partnerships between physical activity patterns and the incidence of 678 conditions across 16 disease types, including mental health, digestive, neurological and others.

The researchers’ analyzes found that regular and weekend physical activity habits were associated with significantly lower risks of more than 200 diseases compared to inactivity.

The associations were stronger for cardiometabolic diseases such as hypertension (risks down 23% and 28% over a median 6 years with weekend and regular exercise, respectively) and diabetes (risks down 43% and 46%, respectively) . However, the associations also covered all disease categories analyzed.

“Our results were consistent across many different definitions of brain activity.”weekend warrior“, as well as other thresholds used to categorize people as active,” Khurshid explains.

The results suggest that physical activity is generally beneficial in reducing the risk of future diseases, especially cardiometabolic diseases.

“Since there appear to be similar benefits for physical activity Compared to regular activity, it is perhaps the total volume of activity that matters most, rather than the pattern,” adds Khurshid.

“They justify future interventions“The effectiveness of concentrated activity in improving public health should be tested and patients should be encouraged to participate in physical activity consistent with recommended guidelines, using the model that suits them best,” adds- he.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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